Finding Yourself After a Breakup

finding yourself after a breakupBreaking up is hard to do.  So, what do you do once it’s over?

Maybe a bit rejected or angry or hurt…whatever the emotion, it’s usually overwhelming and you feel like you’re the only one going through this much pain.  Maybe this relationship wasn’t good for you. Maybe you got lost in it and you don’t really know which way is up anymore.

Ugh. Single again you think. What’s wrong with me?

Nothing! I want to share some of my breakup experiences and what I think is a great way to take advantage of this alone time and really enjoy it instead of just waiting until the next guy/girl comes along.

Step 1: Feel the love

I have a challenge for you. It came as an idea after one of my breakups (and there were many by the way).  Follow me down this train of thought for a minute and see if this doesn’t change your outlook.

Imagine everyone on this planet…of all those people that you haven’t met, I’m sure that millions, if not thousands of them would love to date you and of those million or thousands of people hundreds of them would inevitably fall in love with you (I mean c’mon, look at you!).  Feel that love for a moment. Just because it isn’t your reality at the moment doesn’t mean that you are somehow unlovable or defective. It just means that right now, you are still learning. Learning who you are, who you are meant to be with and what works for you.

Your challenge is to live with this new reality of being completely loved and adored by hundreds of people all around the world that you simply have not met… yet.

Believe that in your bones and see how your reality shifts.

It was a huge shift in perspective and it got me to stop crying all day and night and smile again, knowing that I am loved. Period.  Single or not.

Step 2: Find what makes you happy

This time of singlehood is a wonderful time. It’s the time and space you need in order to figure out what makes you happy.  Let me ask you this: what would your perfect day look like if you were to spend it with yourself? What would you do? Would you start by sleeping in, reading the paper in bed with a coffee on your nightstand? Would you head out for a jog first thing? Or go to a yoga class or retreat? What passions might you have within you that you haven’t discovered yet? Have you always been attracted to a certain instrument or line of work or a place? Research and follow your heartbecause that is where your happiness lies. Not with another person but by getting to know and love and honor yourself. Once you do that, the partner just shows up.

It doesn’t have to be drastic. Maybe you love to have fresh flowers in your home. Maybe you love to write a blog, walk your dog or learn a new language. Maybe you love to binge watch your favorite show (No judgement here!).

Just figure out what you love and then sprinkle it on top of your day and see how it makes you feel.

For me it was salsa dancing…I love to salsa and I am not a Latina in the slightest. I’ve been told that I look like a school teacher and I am also the whitest person I know. Hardly the saucy type!  But as soon as I stepped foot on that dance floor I was the happiest kid on earth. Sure I was a mess, stepping on toes and going off beat but over the last 7 years I have become a bit of a pro (in my mind) and I still enjoy it just the same. For me, it’s the music and the letting go that is so good for my soul. You can’t be in control when you’re dancing, you just have to go with the flow and let your partner lead you. This was a constant lesson for me. For the first 3 years my partner would always say “just relax”!!! It took some time but now I can relax and dance at the same time and I found something that feeds me and makes me super happy.

Step 3: Do something that scares you

Singlehood is a time to do things that may scare you but that you are attracted to doing and would be good for you. For me it was rollerblading. Sure, I shouldn’t be scared of that since I figure skated for 16 years but I was terrified of going out alone and of falling on pavement. The day I went out on my own was scary yes, but also really liberating because I didn’t need a man to hold my hand and plan the day and to make sure I was ok. I was okay on my own and I felt so proud of myself.

Step 4: Relish your alone time

It’s the little things, isn’t it? It’s the going to the restaurant alone or the movies alone, but once you realize that no one really cares if you’re alone as long as you’re happy alone, all the fear will melt from youYou won’t feel like a spotlight is over your head as you sit there eating for one. You’ll be wrapped up in your own world and loving the freedom and comfort of your own company.

To singlehood! It is a great learning experience and a time that you may not ever have again once you’re in a relationship and later on possibly with kids so relish your time alone, your sleep ins, your “ what do I want to do now?” moments because they are short lived. And to develop this skill of listening to yourself, your needs and wants in order to build a stable foundation for the future “relationship you” is so crucial.

In the end, relationship or not you have to continually listen to yourself and what you want and what makes you happy. It’s a skill you will need for the rest of your life. We can’t put our happiness on another person, we need to take responsibility for it. Start now and reap the rewards. 

The Masks We Wear

I think we all expect ourselves to be “perfect” in our own ways and then we hide when were not.  At least I know I do. I’m ashamed that I’m feeling low or haven’t succeeded at something and I hide away in small and sometimes bigger ways. It got me thinking that perhaps we all put on a mask to a certain extent. Some more than others. We do it to feel strong when we’re feeling vulnerable because we’re flawed and we don’t want others to see our spots.

We all have the same Six Core Wounds:

  1. I am unlovable
  2. I am unworthy
  3. I am bad
  4. I am powerless
  5. I’m not safe
  6. I am alone

You may wonder how that can possible be. You’ve heard that we’re all connected and this is true in our wounds as well. We share in the collective consciousness of the planet.  Your fears are the fears of the planet. If we all have a different mix of the six wounds so chances are your neighbor or friend has the same fears as you.  None of these are true yet we all share them.

So if we’re all basically the same, why are we hiding from each other?

I remember I was at diner with a group of fellow students and the gentleman beside me told me he wrote poetry. I thought: “Cool! Can I read one?” He was super embarrassed and said: “I couldn’t”. So I started telling him my theory about how we’re all basically the same so why would you feel shy to share? Turns out I wasn’t that convincing and I didn’t get to read his poem after all but it confirmed my original belief that we hide from one another.

We all put on a mask, yet we pretend we’re not.  Why are we trying to hide our true selves?

We’re all different and lovely in our own wacky way. I am particularly fond of my rose gold high tops but my husband thinks I’m stuck in the ‘90’s whereas my daughter bites her nails like a stockbroker on the trading floor. No one says anything, we just observe and move on. How boring would it be if we all tried to be the same? Our quirks are what makes each of us so interesting. We often think our quirks are negative but they bring such joy to others.

I actually tried to be “normal” in University. I lasted about a week.  I was being teased for saying silly things and so I decided: “No more!” I was going to be totally normal from now on. I didn’t get made fun of but it was the most boring week of my life.

Some of us have mastered that being ourselves in all our glory is okay. It’s more than okay, it’s a privilege that only you have!

 If you won’t be yourself, who will?

I’m sitting here at the age of 36 just now figuring out that I am worthy and it is okay to fully be myself. More than okay, it makes my life feel blissful. I am saying the things I want to say, telling the jokes I think are funny and doing what I’m passionate about for a living and loving every minute of it.

Only you can give yourself permission to be yourself. To live your life the way you are happy and fulfilled to live it. No one else will come along and say: “Hey, you don’t like that, why are you doing it?”

When we’re not ourselves we bury our real thoughts, emotions and words. We ignore them and stuff them down. They accumulate inside of us. The pain may not be apparent right away but with each day, each opportunity missed it will drain instead of inspire you.

If we all have the same fears and we’re all connected then there is absolutely no reason to hide your unique genius and quirks. It will light up the people around you to see you love and accept yourself and inspire them to do the same.

Pick and choose which wounds resonate with you and flip them around. You’ll be amazed at how simple turning these around can be!

Simply telling yourself each morning:

  1. I am lovable
  2. I am worthy
  3. I am good
  4. I am powerful
  5. I am safe
  6. I am surrounded by love and support

With love & gratitude,

Madeleine Dasilva

5 Reasons Why Chronic Pain is So Deeply Rooted

1. Past Injuries

Clients always seem so surprised when I tell them that each and every injury from a sprained ankle to major surgery affects their current state of health. The body has a framework and when there is a force applied to it, it can alter that framework changing its structure at a cellular level.

2. Overuse

We do the same activities, exercises or sports over and over again. We can incur some overuse.  Just like a car needs its tires rotated, so do our bodies in the form of varying what type of exercise as well as the intensity and duration we impose. Every exercise has its place but most of us jump into an activity ill prepared. When it comes to chronic pain we get into certain movement patterns and make the strong movements stronger and the weak ones weaker.

3. Plasticity

Our brains record pain activity. The more pain we have, the bigger our “brain maps” for pain get, often overriding the other activities that part of the brain is meant for. Chronic pain starts as a signal that something is wrong and becomes reinforced with each subsequent experience of pain.

4. Cellular Memories

When bad things happen, if left unresolved, that memory is stored in your cells. This memory creates a vibration that’s out of sync with “healthy cells” causing a glitch in how information and energy flow throughout the body. This can create pain over the long term.

5. Mechanics

Our bodies are adaptable and when there is a roadblock caused by an injury the body works around it. Much like a street closure makes you take the detour, your body will get the job done, just maybe not in the most favorable way to save your joints. This compensation pattern often goes uncorrected and can lead to chronic pain down the road.

I will leave you with a testimonial:

“After suffering with knee pain for fifteen years and trying to treat it every way I could find from physical to spiritual and not finding any long lasting relief I can say that after two Trame Vibational Therapy sessions my pain was gone and the strength that was non existent starting coming back into my whole left side”


A free 30 minute consultation is available for questions. Call Apana Bodywork at 647-801-2424 or email us at

~ Madeleine

What is Trame Vibrational Therapy?

Q: When will I notice a change after a Trame Vibrational Therapy session?

A: You will experience immediate and long term results.

Some changes are immediate whereas some take time to integrate but they are long lasting. The most changes should occur within the first 7-10 days and continue for up to 40 days after a single session.

It is important to keep in mind the possibility of detox symptoms that need to be cleared out in the first 7-10 days. For example, a session may bring up an old injury to the surface to be cleared so you may feel more pain than usual but it will be short lived and leaves you with less pain in the end.

Q: How many sessions will I need to see results?

A total of 3-5 Treatments is typically recommended to experience positive and long lasting results.

General Guideline for Number of sessions required:

• Acute issues/symptoms:  3-5 sessions are recommended for most individuals

• Chronic issues/symptoms: Between 5-8 Sessions for more chronic issues

• Personal Growth: More than 8 Sessions are recommended for individuals on the spiritual growth path looking to expand their awareness and fully empower themselves as well as clear out past stress and trauma.

Q: How often do I have to do tTame to see results?

A: Trame can only be done Once every 3 weeks because:

  1. Your body is adjusting to its new alignment and increased information flow
  2. Possible Emotional/physical detox for 7-10 days after your session
  3. Changes in emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of self and relationship to others over the next  40 days

Important Note: Any detox symptoms won’t be as intense or last as long as they normally would. Symptoms only come up to be released.

Q: Who is Trame Vibrational Therapy geared towards?

A: At Apana Bodywork we are focusing on four groups of people:

  1. Grief and Loss Recovery
  2. Bouncing back from Chronic pain
  3. Healing from Anxiety and/or Depression
  4. Clearing out Stress & Trauma

Q: What does Trame Vibrational Therapy do?

A: Think of your Trame or framework as the 3D invisible blueprint of your body. Along your Trame, information and energy flows like a computer than runs every cell of your body.  The functioning of your body is dependant on the proper flow of information and energy along your Trame. When blockages occur on your trame, the information and energy flow is interrupted leading to any number of small symptoms to bigger issues in the body and mind.

This treatment powerfully clears out old blockages, stress and trauma at a cellular level that impede the flow of information and energy.  The analogy used is that of shaking a carpet.  If blockages are lying on the carpet, shaking it will clear off the blockages while restoring the normal frequency of your framework. It is a holistic treatment so your individual results will vary but you will experience change.  You may experience change physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually or all of the above.

For example, some migraine sufferers no longer experience migraines after 3 sessions.  Others become empowered to speak up for themselves and still others have less or no pain in their body amongst other changes.

The improvement is unique to you and how the build-up of blockages are affecting your body, mind and soul.

Q: What causes blockages in the first place?

A:  The beauty of Trame Vibrational Therapy is that it helps to powerfully clear out stresses, traumas and negative beliefs  that are stored as emotions in the body. Emotions are energy in motion so when they are suppressed or unresolved they become trapped in the body affecting it’s proper function.

Q: What is involved in a Trame Vibrational Therapy?

A:  A Trame Vibrational Therapy session consists of a brief series of questions about your goals for treatment in order to track progress.  You lie fully clothed on a massage table where a series of 16 hand positions are gently placed on your body for a clearing 45 minute hands on treatment. No feedback is offered and no physical manipulation takes place however your body does readjust during a session.  It is a truly powerful and unique way to affect change on all levels.

Q: What can I expect to feel during a session?

A: You may feel tingling, hot, cold, twitching, floating sensations or emotional release.   All of these sensations are the body’s way of releasing cellular blockages and is completely normal. You may feel shifting or moving in your body as it adjusts to its new alignment.

Regardless of your experience during the session this treatment is powerful and works to optimize the blueprint of your body on the deepest level. Clients are impressed at how relaxed they feel after a session.

Q: Do I need to believe in this for it to work on me?

A:  It doesn’t matter if you’re open to it or not this therapy will work regardless. This treatment does not involve the mind so it works on believers and non-believers alike.  Many non-believers become believers once they experience powerful results for themselves.

 Q: Who developed Trame Vibrational Therapy?

A: Patrick Burensteinas developed Trame Vibrational Therapy in 1990 based on his work in alchemy and quantum physics. He began his lab research based on the question: “How do all cells in your body know where to go and what to do? What is governing the body’s ability to function? “ He researched for over 20 years and practiced this technique on 20,000 people before teaching his technique to other practitioners. There are currently only 3 practitioners in Ontario with many others in Europe and Montreal.

Q: How much does a session cost?

A: a session is $120 (incl. tax)

*Payment plans are always available.

~ Madeleine

Adaptation to Stress: It’s Not Your Friend

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

We are amazing creatures that can adapt to almost any situation. We adapt to war. We come home with PTSD but we adapt to war. So think of the smaller wars we fight within ourselves and those around us every day.

Don’t we need some help getting ourselves “back to normal” after a particularly stressful period in our lives? Maybe you’ve suffered a loss and feel nothing will ever be normal again. Maybe you’re in so much pain emotionally that you’ve shut down or perhaps you manage kids, work, husband and you and it’s time to clear out some stress.

Every person that I’ve spoken to that has gone through a trauma said: “I was in survival mode”. Survival mode is just another word for stress.

Although this is the body doing its thing of adapting to a situation, it’s also not appropriate over the long term.

Stress/survival mode + time= unhappy camper

The truth is we often don’t notice our state when were in it. We carry on as we always do. It’s our nature to get on with life. It’s survival.

Is survival mode really the best way for us to get all that we want in this life?  Think back to a really productive day at work/home. Was it a day you were really stressed or were you in that sweet spot where you were aware and relaxed at the same time?

I’ve spent my whole like searching for ways to heal on all levels. I’ve spent a small fortune on this endeavor and I’ve finally found something that can help you heal on all levels pretty darn quickly I might add.

Trame Vibrational Therapy works and I want to spread the word so people can stop feeling the way they do unnecessarily.

It’s for the people that are stuck and want to move forward in their lives.

It helps you heal from old emotional wounds, beliefs and traumas like I’ve never seen.

I know someone who has to live apart from his two kids. It is heart wrenching but the situation is so complex that he can only see them once a year.  This man was as we spiritual types like to call a “non-believer”. He believes that he can manage the stresses in his life and that he will, in time, let it all go and feel better. What a great belief but why not get some help in letting that heavy stuff go?

After one Trame session this tattoo clad man was a believer. He didn’t miss his kids any less but he accepted that he wouldn’t be able to be there for them physically but that he would be there for them in other ways.

As I always say: You don’t know how good you can feel until you feel that good again. The reality is that we forget. We adapt.

I encourage you to take a snapshot of your life and see if you want to improve upon it.

Adaptation to stress is great over the short term, but it will mess with your life over the long term. Don’t let it.

If you’re ready for change and you’d like to learn more call Apana Bodywork for a FREE 30 minute consultation at 647.801.2424.

~ Madeleine

Event: Clearing out Stress & Trauma at a Cellular Level

clear out stress at a cellular level - Apana Bodywork AuroraYou’ve heard me share about my new healing technique Trame Vibrational Therapy and how instrumental it was in getting me back to ‘normal’ after the whole ordeal I went through with Zoe.

My studies are done, for now, and I’m ready to start spreading the word on how this therapy can help you or someone you care about to facilitate their transformation.

Specifically I’m focusing on:

  • Healing from Grief & Loss
  • Mitigating Anxiety/Depression
  • Long Term Stress Reduction
  • Bouncing back from Caregiver burnout

All these things I’ve experienced and observed significant improvement by the use of Trame Therapy.  I’ve experienced being stuck in many of these states and how dramatically Trame Vibrational Therapy can clear out stress and trauma to give you a fresh outlook.

I’d like to invite you to an event taking place in Newmarket on April 13th at 7pm at Nature’s Emporium (16655 Yonge St.). I’ve attached a poster with all the details or you can find it here on facebook.

Many things are close to my heart. Trame is one of them because if it wasn’t for this healing I’d still be in the lost and hurt state I was in after everything happend with Zoe. Trame helped empower me and heal from all the deep cellular memories that were running the show of my life.

Spring is a time for new beginnings and why not start yours now?
Share this post with the people you feel called to share it with.  It could be the start of a whole new way of being.
If you think the healing services I offer could help a friend, colleague or family member you will enjoy 25% OFF any services you purchase as a thank you. As always a free 30 minute consultation is available.

With gratitude,
Madeleine Dasilva

My Daughter is My Inspiration

It’s not just me. This little lady now 4 years of age touches the hearts of everyone that meets her.  After being in junior kindergarten for two months now, she won Student of the month and a certificate for positive character. I’m not surprised, but there were moments that I doubted her being able to function in a “normal” class setting at all.

As her mom I couldn’t be prouder.

She’s overcome so much to be here today and she’s showing that she is thriving in the world. She went against a 90% chance of not surviving the tubes being taken out of her airway at a week old, she proved she could drink formula when the expectation was that she wouldn’t have a swallow reflex at two weeks of age, she lifted her neck up by herself after testing so weak just days before at a month old.  She continues to amaze me today.

Zoe was born this way. She is ridiculously positive, empathetic and always wants to help out even when you wish she didn’t. Where most kids wouldn’t tuck your scarf into your jacket to make sure you don’t get cold, she does. She’s incredible. I wonder how many of us were born this way only to have our instincts doubted, ignored or conditioned out of us.

We are all born these perfectly imperfect open hearted light beings with intuition and a keen sense of what we like and what we absolutely don’t like.

What happens to these loving and open versions of ourselves? What starts to poke holes in that self-concept or awareness?

Trauma is an interesting thing. Something I’ve learnt recently from my coach is that people that have experienced a trauma stay that age emotionally.

Shocking isn’t it? I thought I healed all of that!

I went through depression when I was a teen so basically I’m still 16 years old emotionally!

That explains a lot right?

No but seriously, are we raising our kids to honor those gut feelings, express emotions in a healthy way or talk to them like they deserve a real adult-style explanation or are we telling them this is how it is because I’m the adult and you’re the child?

This “old school” way of raising our kids really scares me. The spanking, the dominance, the lack of understanding. I knew Zoe was way beyond her age when she scolded me for having road rage at the age of 2. She said: “Mommy, stop it!” and she was absolutely right. She may have not understood the words I was saying but she felt the energy of it and she didn’t like it and had no problem communicating that to me. By the way, now I road rage in French and calm the whole thing down both for me and Zoe.

We forget that we live in energy soup. Sometimes just being near us can aggravate a child. I know when I’m antsy, Zoe gets antsy and can’t calm down to go to bed. Energy is contagious for us sensitive folk.  Babies and kids feel everyone’s emotions. Even if you don’t share it with them, they know. They may not be able to communicate it but it’s so simple the emotions just come right in. They may be reacting to your emotional state. It’s quite shocking to see it in action but I see it again and again.

I think we need to be aware of that. Give our kids more credit and nurture being ‘in tune’ with what they need. Sometimes it is a matter of “eat your vegetables” but sometimes it’s really not. Knowing the difference is somewhat of an art that I may never perfect but I will keep trying.

So, when your child is infuriating you and you want to pull your hair out, remember not to worry because nothing is under control. Take it one moment at a time.   Be gentle with them and yourself. Don’t expect perfection and remember to take a video at least once a month because you will miss those little nuances of behavior when they learn the correct way to pronounce truck.

~ Madeleine

Apana Bodywork

How to Quickly Heal from Accumulated Stress

heal from accumulated stressThere’s no reason to hide it. You know that you haven’t been sleeping well or dealing with stress particularly great lately.

The longer we try to deny it, the more it affects us. Annoying, isn’t it? But isn’t stress the reality of life?

Yes and no. Yes you are going to endure stress forever and ever but the way you handle it canchange dramatically.  Personally I’ve experienced going from a 10/10 stress to a 1/10 stress level after only one Trame Vibrational Healing session.

It’s actually the reason I became trained in it.

Before my session I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t really enjoying music that much. I knew I couldn’t fall asleep easily but I thought I was managing it quite well ( I wasn’t). I would take melatonin to sleep or wait until I was so exhausted I knew I would pass out.  And I had breakouts all over my body. Hey, it’s just stress, it’s normal!

No it isn’t.

I think it’s time that we raise the standard of what wellness looks and feels like.

So, being in the healing field for about a decade now, I was open to trying new things. I had met a couple healers at a networking event and one in particular stood out. She was so calm. I mean really calm. To the point that I thought she was from another planet. How could she have two kids, be divorced yet be this calm?

It made me interested in what she was doing so I tried a Trame healing. I didn’t reallly know what it was or how it worked but what I did know was that something had to change. I knew I wasn’t living in the way I wanted to and I didn’t really feel like myself anymore.

After one session I got into my car and felt completely calm. It wasn’t the transient calm that follows a massage or a nap, it was this deep unending calm. As I turned the music on I realized that I was really into this song.  That was different. Actually, I hadn’t enjoyed music like this in years. I felt liberated. When I got home, I wanted to snuggle with my husband and dance with my daughter. This also wasn’t something I ususally wanted to do. I was always too overwhelmed to enjoy the simple things.

I had to learn this technique, and pass it along to my family, friends and clients.

So far, the results I’ve seen are decreased stress (significantly) as well as the ability to manage stress much better. Most report an increase in energy combined with more realistic expectations of themselves. It’s only the beginnig so stay tuned more findings!

I feel compelled to share this with individuals who experience chronic stress. It can make a huge difference in how you feel and it’s worth every penny.

~ Madeleine

Anxiety is Living in the Moment that Hasn’t Come

anxietySo here I am doing my work at my favorite place Covernotes Café in Newmarket and I overhear this couple having a conversation that I am quite in awe of. The gentleman says: “anxiety is living in the moment that hasn’t come, It’s anticipating the moment. Not living in the moment”. Whoa!

How amazing is that?! What an incredible insight into anxiety and into myself.

Living in Anxiety’s Moment

I struggle with worry at times. I want things to be perfect and they’re never going to be and I get hung up on the details. At other times I can easily go with the flow accepting that life is messy and things will work themselves out.  Living in the moment is why I do Qi Gong. It’s why I strive to search the world over…ok Toronto and surrounding area to find healers and mystics that will help me make the next step in my evolution in consciousness.

It’s the most important thing to me in the world. To grow and live lovingly in each moment without fear or needing to vanish into the wind. Being still. Comfortably still. That is something I have been working on forever it seems. In my healing practice, when clients feel all these feelings of discomfort, anxiety, pain, fear, loneliness I can most definitely relate. It’s not that I have arrived. I probably never will stop trying but it’s that I know how it feels and I’ve learned some tools to help.  To speed the journey through the muck and fear and discomfort to finally revel in love and joy.  My hope is that each individual can be fully and completely supported and heard through their own personal transformation, whatever that looks like for them.

I believe that there is immense power in being heard and being felt.

I believe that a powerful experience can completely change our perspective. Change the Way You Look at Things and the Things You Look at Change. All that can happen in an instant! I wrote this before the amazing Dr. Wayne Dyer crossed over to the other side but it seems even more important now.

Life can feel like hell. Life can also be utterly blissful.

Which have you chosen? What is being done to further your goal? For me, it depends on the day. Sometimes I succeed at going with the flow and other times I struggle against it, resisting the messiness of life.

One thing is for sure, you have the power to make a different choice and there are always infinite choices in front of you if you pause and really let them become clear behind all the fear.

Wishing you all love, peace and joy today and everyday.

~ Madeleine

Apana Bodywork

Are you feeling ‘put together wrong’ after your C-Section surgery?

I don’t know about you but the very next day after getting sliced open a nurse walked in the room and handed me a pump. “Okay”, she said “let’s get you started on pumping some milk!” I thought that was quite forward of her but I tried. So, less than 24 hours after major surgery, your doctor expects you to twist and contort your body in order to supply that beautiful baby of yours some breast milk whether it be by pumping or breastfeeding, that is stressful on your post-surgery body.

Expectations After a C-Section

I’ve interviewed several women who have had between one and three C-sections to see what the expectations are around “getting back in the game” and caring for an infant after an invasive surgery like this one. It looks like about half of them experience little to no discomfort while the other half have some ongoing issues with pain and weakness.

When I was a trainer I noticed that all of my C-section moms were incredibly weak in their abs. They worked just as hard as any other client but they just couldn’t achieve the same amount of strength over the full range of motion as other clients did regardless of age.

This is why I wanted to avoid a C-section, but unfortunately couldn’t. Luckily for me, my MAT (Muscle Activation Techniques) specialist took really good care of me and over the course of five sessions I went from feeling like I was put together wrong to feeling put together right once again.

I am one of those people that really pays attention to how my body feels and I try my best to listen to it. I’m sure most people carry on and barely notice any difference but even if no pain is present, there could still be an imbalance.

That’s why I love the feeling of balanced strength that I achieve after just one of these Muscle Activation treatments.

One thing I would like to say is based on my survey and experience that with this surgery, there can be a varying amount of recovery time needed. Even though there is a little bundle of baby magic waiting for you, it is important to listen to your body and only get up and about when you are ready. Don’t be too proud to ask for help when you need it and take it one small step at a time.

It’s so easy to jump in head-first and forget about yourself, don’t be too proud to ask for help caring for your baby and your body.

It’s one of those things where you don’t know how bad you feel until you feel better.

If you’d like to schedule a ‘Bounce Back from Surgery Tune up’ contact us at 647-801-2424 or for more information click here.

~ Madeleine

Apana Bodywork