Trame Vibrational Therapy - Treatment for Exceptional Children with Autism, ADD, ADHD and more

Do you have a child with ADD/ADHD or Autism?

These are complex neurodevelopmental disorders and can be quite challenging at the best of times. When you’re a parent of a child with ADD/ADHD or Autism, it can be hard to stay on top of all of your child’s needs plus running a household, working and trying to have a life of your own.

Trame Vibrational Therapy, a holistic vibrational treatment, can help address your child’s unique challenges.

Effects of Trame on Children with ADD/ADHD:

  • Decrease/Elimination in Fidgeting Behaviors
  • Improved Emotional Regulation
  • Improved Stress Resilience
  • Develop Self-Awareness
  • Develop Awareness of Others
  • Enhance Clarity of Thought and communication
  • Improved Relationships

As a mom of an exceptional child myself, I like to take a holistic approach to optimizing my child’s performance at school, with peers and at home.  Some of the challenges that come up for children with ADD/ADHD and Autism are well addressed with Trame Vibrational Therapy, a holistic vibrational treatment that optimizes the whole individual.

Effects of Trame on Children with Autism:

  • Improved Social Connection
  • Increase in Eye Contact
  • Helps Calm and Reset the Nervous system
  • Improved Emotional Regulation
  • Improved Stress Resilience
  • Regulates Sleep

Trame Benefits to Parents of Exceptional Children

Many moms of exceptional children receive treatment themselves to improve their self- awareness, resilience to stress and receive the empowering benefits themselves. This helps them to be more present with their kids, accept the diagnosis and helps them better manage the day to day stresses that may come up.

What does Trame Vibrational Therapy do?

  • Improves communication in relationship to self, others and the environment
  • Clears out stress and blockages at a cellular (deep) level
  • Decreases and/or eliminates triggers
  • Improves resilience to stress
  • Speeds personal growth and self-awareness
  • Empowers the individual
  • Provides clarity

Who Would Benefit from Trame Vibrational Therapy?

  • Children from birth to older adults dealing with ADD/ADHD
  • Children from birth to older adults dealing with Autism
  • Parents of exceptional children

What Does a Session Look/Feel Like?

During a Trame Session you lay fully-clothed on a massage table. Then sixteen hand positions are lightly placed on your body. This deeply relaxing treatment can last between 10 minutes for a young infant to 45 minutes for an adolescent. Clients report feeling hot, cold, tingling, twitching, numbness, floating or nothing at all. This treatment will powerfully clear out stored emotions, beliefs, cellular memories and blockages in your body while also re-aligning your energetic framework or Trame. While the treatment is underway most people go into a very deep state of relaxation or sleep and wake up very calm.

Improvements from the treatment begin to be felt once the session is complete. You may receive another Trame session after three weeks have passed to allow your body time to adjust and integrate the changes. Some people experience detox symptoms for up to 7-10 days that aren’t as intense or as prolonged as you would usually experience. This detox is specific to the individual and is simply blockages coming up to the surface to be released and cleared away. They can be physical, emotional or shifts in perspectives/beliefs.