Paralysis of Perfection

Do you ever feel like you need to be perfect?  Like you haven’t “figured it all out” yet. And even when you reach your goal you still don’t feel that sense of accomplishment.

Many people wake up each day judging themselves because of what they look like, comparing themselves to others or being hard on themselves for not measuring up to their own high standards.

The obsession with perfection isn’t something you’re dealing with alone. It’s a tendency that is rising in our youth today. According to the study published in the journal Psychological Bulletin:

“more recent generations of college students reported significantly higher scores for each form of perfectionism than earlier generations.”

We compare ourselves to filtered idyllic pictures on social media or to a friend or colleague who, from the outside, seems to ‘have it all’ and then we feel ashamed, isolated or even depressed and anxious when we don’t measure up.

Do you ever feel it’s easier to mask or push down those emotions so that you don’t have to deal with them? Is talking about an issue difficult for you?  Vulnerability can be scary and sometimes we simply don’t have the words to adequately describe what we’re feeling. The truth is we all have moments, days or even years spent in survival mode. When we really aren’t living our ‘best life’ as Oprah loves to say.

We’re Not Here to Be Perfect

The truth is we’re not here to be perfect. We’re here, in my opinion, to discover who we really are and be that out in the world. We don’t have all the answers and who are we to judge ourselves as we figure that out? Isn’t that why we’re here; to learn, grow and find out what gives us the most satisfaction?

Isn’t it time to let go of perfection and be true to ourselves? We learn by screwing up and the more we resist the mess, the longer it will take to learn that lesson. 

I believe that if we pay attention to what our emotions are trying to tell us and are aware of our effect on those around us, we can make little refinements each day, not to be perfect but to be ourselves with complete acceptance, warts and all.

When I see clients in my practice increase their self-awareness, soften their expectations of themselves, it helps me to deepen my belief that change is always possible, that no one is stuck in their perfection and that there are always choices available for growth and expansion of self.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,


Are Your Chakras Blocked?

Have you ever had a healer tell you that your chakras are blocked? Perhaps you felt something tense up in your body, or you experienced that tightening in your stomach when you had to give a speech. However it comes, we can learn to listen to our bodies and let the message that is hidden underneath come up to the surface and speak to us.

3 Signals from your body that you have a blocked chakra:

  1. Tightness. Sometimes a blocked chakra can feel tight. In the same way a muscle can feel tight, if we know the location of our chakras, we can tune in and feel if they are out of balance. For example, a blocked throat chakra often feels tight. Why does this happen? We could be holding back saying something we really want to say. We could be twisting the truth a bit when we do express ourselves. Or perhaps we simply don’t feel heard.
  2. Discomfort. An imbalance in a chakra can also feel down right uncomfortable. That pang we feel when a loved one is hurtful toward us, or when we don’t feel good enough, can bring about that not so pleasant blockage in our heart chakra. Our heart chakra represents the love we have for ourselves, others and our connection to our bigger/unconditionally loving self.
  3. Knot. Have you ever heard someone say that they feel as though they have a knot in their stomach? That spot just under their ribcage that houses the solar plexus chakra is our will center. It is the place that turns into a fist when someone is trying to control us, or we are doing something we don’t really want to do. You’ve felt this when forced to work over a weekend or if a partner makes you take those dreaded dance lessons. If a chakra feels like a knot you can be sure you have a blockage there that needs to be cleared.

What do we do to clear these blockages?

We can simply sit with ourselves, quiet our mind and place our hands on the area that is screaming out at us, and listen without expectation. It’s that simple. Your bigger self is an expert at relaying the information that is crucial for your conscious evolution. All we need to do is listen to the subtle messages that come up.

Learning how to hone your intuition will make this process much easier. I will share more on different types of intuition in my next blog.

For now, tune in and listen to the signals your emotional guidance system is broadcasting. It doesn’t take over-analyzing or complete stillness, but it does require you to stop, tune in to yourself completely and let go. The messages are always more subtle than we expect. We may think it will sound like a blow horn but in reality it’s more like a wise whisper.

If you need any help clearing those blockages that is my specialty and I’m here to help. There are many avenues, like Master Reiki healing sessions to become aware of beliefs that are running the show and clearing them. Reiki Level I courses are for those who know they are healers themselves, or Trame Vibrational Therapy to reset the nervous system and clear out unresolved emotions. There are many ways up the mountain, I know you will find yours!

If you need guidance on which is the most suited for you take advantage of my complimentary thirty minute phone consultation.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

Wishing you a Happy New Year.

To our health & wellbeing,


Breaking Up is Hard on Your Heart…Literally

When I found out I had fallen in love with a fictitious person over the internet, I was heartbroken and a little humiliated. I started to go back and re-trace my steps. How had I fallen for this scam and was I completely nuts to care for a complete stranger?

It’s not surprising that once we’ve been hurt, we (and our brain) don’t want to feel that pain ever again. Even mentioning a memory can trigger us to feel those painful emotions all over again. So what do we do? We put up a wall around our hearts to protect us from the hurt.

What is a Heart Wall?

A heart wall is just a layer of energy around your heart that was created by all those trapped emotions of rejection, pain and loss. This heart wall serves as a barrier around your heart that acts as a protector against future pain. Although intended as a protective mechanism, it actually isn’t protecting us at all.

The interesting thing I’ve noticed is that when we are hurt we not only close ourselves off from the “bad stuff” but we also block ourselves from receiving all the good feelings as well, like love and appreciation. We lock our heart down so that we don’t feel pain but that blocks us from feeling love too. It’s a two way street.

Why Are We Blocking Ourselves from Love?

So, why do we block ourselves from love when that is the very thing we crave most after a breakup?

It’s our brains’ fault! Our brain wants us to avoid pain and move toward pleasure. Did you know the parts of our brain that process pain light up after a breakup?

“The brain studies show us that romantic rejection hurts just like physical pain, and it is like cocaine addiction.”

So here we are addicted to love and in fear of actual physical pain! No wonder we shut down!

The ironic part is that being in a committed relationship, specifically a marriage, protects our hearts. A Harvard Health article refers to the Framingham Offspring Study where “married men had a 46% lower rate of death than unmarried men”.

Experiences like the one I just went through can make people less open to trusting others but it’s not in our best interest to hide away from the world if it keeps men alive longer.

But what about women? Does being in a happy marriage protect our hearts too?

According to a study by the Journal Heart, it does. The risk of (dying of a heart attack) was significantly higher (42%) among those who had never married.

It looks like being in a happy marriage is protective to our hearts. Not only that, heartbreak can make us shut down our heart connection when we need its guidance most. Our heart is the connection to the other side, to our intuitive, unconscious or bigger self. It holds so much wisdom and comes in handy all day long for those of us who listen. If we shut down because of a heart wall, what are we listening to now? Not our guidance, not ourselves but our fear and pain and who knows where that will lead us?

What are we editing in our experience so that we don’t have to deal with pain from our past?

Like a snowball rolling downhill, our pain only gets bigger and bigger the more we ignore or sweep it into the background.

In order to release it, we need to let go of the past beliefs and actually do the work of our unconditional loving selves to bring back balance.

I’ve seen countless strong yet heartbroken individuals in my practice as a Trame Vibrational Therapist. People are trying to get out of situations where they feel emotionally handcuffed and stuck. After each session we see progress in terms of getting more clarity about a path out and a greater ability to handle stressful situations in a way that honors who they are and what they really want.

Perhaps asking ourselves how we want to feel is a good place to find inspiration to go down that sometimes bumpy road of healing.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,


Busch, L. Y., Pössel, P., & Valentine, J. C. (2017). Meta-analyses of cardiovascular reactivity to rumination: A possible mechanism linking depression and hostility to cardiovascular disease. Psychological Bulletin, 143(12), 1378-1394.

Are You Holding Back?

I held back who I was for the longest time and it made me miserable. I’ve come a long way since those difficult teen years. It wasn’t a single moment of change, it was a process.  I’m still evolving and letting go and probably will be for the rest of my life.

And now I ask: Are you allowing who you really are to fully shine through? Or, are you tamping down, shutting in that beautiful soul that is unique to you? (Like I was, and still do to a certain degree.)

Perhaps somewhere along the line someone said or did something to hurt you, to make you feel like being yourself wasn’t okay. It may be the fear of being hurt again that keeps you quiet, or in your shell. Speaking from experience, it’s painful to stifle, hold back or withdraw who we are.

Whatever that person said or did, whatever it was that made you think that it wasn’t your birthright to be who you are was wrong. None of it was true. When you’re being yourself it feels good and when you’re not, it feels bad. Simple right? Um … not for me it wasn’t!

What makes your soul shine?

Nothing feels more exciting or satisfying than when you express who you really are. This can take many forms and often we can’t find a “proper” label for it so we think we are weird or we don’t quite fit in.

Trust yourself to know what makes you happy, what feels whole and right for you. You could keep going as if nothing does, but you will always know that isn’t right, it causes suffering and deep conflict inside. There is nothing worse than split energy. Half in, half out. It’s pure misery.

It’s hard when life takes over and continues to expect certain things or behaviors from you, day after day. One thing is certain, everyone wins when you honor who you really are because, even if it’s hard or challenging or goes against the grain, it gives others the permission to do the same. And as we do this, we all have the opportunity to grow and expand who we are in the world.

I’ve Been There

I speak of this because I’ve been through it. There have been many situations in my life where I wasn’t completely honest about who I was, so I would be liked, or respected, or approved of. I believe everyone feels this way at times, some more than others. We all want to be loved and approved of. We all have fears and insecurities. What differentiates us is courageously being who we are, even if it’s not popular, ‘normal’ or expected.

I, myself, have been on a lifelong path to become more and more who I am. I knew as a young teenager that I would continue to find insight through my whole life and, as predicted, here I am at thirty-eight years old still making little discoveries about myself. Slowly, I’m allowing them to be expressed into the world. Not surprisingly, I become happier and happier the more “myself” I become.

I’m Here to Help

My work is all about this idea. It’s about giving people the environment, the respect, and the non-judgement to release what is holding them back from being who they really are in the most painless way possible. I love this field because I’m in the presence of brave people showing up for themselves and making changes. I get to hear amazing, heartbreaking and inspiring stories every day. I admire their dedication and join them in their commitment to become who they really are, and in turn, I become more who I am each day through this work. I’m still evolving and letting go, and probably will for the rest of my life, and that’s a good thing.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on FacebookInstagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,


The Universe is Your Expert Event Planner

Have you ever worked yourself up, or even panicked, wondering if the money, better job, new relationship, improved health, etc. will ever come?

Let me ask you a question before we start. What would be more satisfying to you?

  1. Winning 5 million dollars in the lotto
  2. Earning 5 million dollars yourself

Most people would just jump to option number one. Of course I want to win the lotto because I get it instantly! Duh.

Is Winning the Lottery Truly Fulfilling?

Winning a large sum of money means that you would have all your basic needs met, but would you be happy? Would you be fulfilled? Let’s take Donna Mikkin for example,

Donna Mikkin won $34.5 million in the New York State Lottery in 2007. She said the big win ruined her life and led to “emotional bankruptcy.” “Most of us think that winning the lottery is the ultimate fulfillment. But I found that wasn’t the case,”

It’s the expectation that all your problems will be solved and that joy accompanies that check. It doesn’t.

But this is merely an example of our faulty reasoning. We think the shortest path from ‘A’ to ‘B’ will be the best way when in fact it’s not. It is so much more satisfying for you to take the scenic route, than it is to get there instantly.

Taking the Scenic Route in Life

The scenic route provides the fun, the magic, the synchronicities, the lessons and so much more. Think of the universe as your expert event planner. They’ve thrown a party like this a million times before and know all the right people to call to make it a huge success. You don’t need to bother yourself with any of the details.  You don’t need to stress or doubt or be afraid; the universe will find all the details that will give you the most pleasure.

Yes, I am talking about the law of attraction

Option number 1- winning the lotto is the straight line.  It’s the most efficient route and will get you there in a hurry. But it won’t provide you with the same joy as the scenic route.  It’s like a multi-millionaire, business tycoon that has a beautiful family, a boat, fast car, respect of others and yet can’t enjoy any of it. That’s not success. And most people would agree that there is no point in having anything if you can’t enjoy it! Ever see someone with plastic covering on top of their fancy couch? You aren’t even allowed to sit on it. What is the point of having a couch?  Likewise, what is the point in having all the money or fancy car if you aren’t able to enjoy it?

So who controls the scenic route?  My understanding of this is it’s the interaction between you and the universe. If you line up with the universe then you can attract that good stuff real quick. But if you only sometimes line up with it or hardly ever line up with it then it may take a long time, if ever.

How do you line up with the universe?

The way we line up with the universe is simply by feeling good. Life will happen. But if you keep bringing yourself back to a better feeling thought and then another and another, you will end up feeling joy, appreciation, empowerment and all those synchronicities will show up for you and reinforce the amazing and powerful being that you are. Everything will show up for you in the perfect time. It’s all happening for you.

So, let the universe be your expert event planner and let it take care of ALL the details.  All you have to do is get into your party dress (or suit) and show up expecting to have a wonderful time.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on FacebookInstagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips.

To our health & wellbeing,


Hope for Empaths: Trame Vibrational Therapy

Empaths and Trame Vibrational Therapy Aurora - Apana Bodywork

As an empath I used to feel like I was at the mercy of the emotions of the people around me. If they were happy, so was I. If they were sad, I would be upset too.  Some of us are more sensitive to the stimulation around us and that can make it hard to live from our own experience.

I certainly felt that way when I would be in a public place. I’d have to keep my exposure to large crowds to a minimum or leave social situations because it all became overwhelming to me.  It was a very disempowering way to live, yet I felt like I could never change that part of me.

I Tried Everything

I tried everything to protect myself from my inherent sponginess.  I tried setting a force field around me, chanting protective mantras, wearing crystals, then just trying to simply ignore the emotions.  Nothing worked; it felt like others’ emotions were being broadcast from a loud speaker even if they weren’t saying a word.

Trame Vibrational Therapy

I stumbled upon a technique, Trame Vibrational Therapy, that changed everything. It was never my plan to change this part of me. I honestly thought I would be this way forever.  After my third session however, it was undeniable that something had shifted.  I had a choice in how I felt for the first time since I can remember.

After signing up to become trained in Trame I learnt that, just like musical instruments, we humans also get out of tune sometimes. We may not totally feel like ourselves, we may experience more stress or become less able to deal with change, or perhaps the heaviest burdens are the emotions lingering from situations long passed.

Whatever the case, we operate using one primary language and that is vibration. I didn’t realize that I was absorbing others emotions and when left unresolved I stored them all in my body. I didn’t really feel like I was carrying any weight from it until it was released.

I Had a Sense of Control for the First Time in Years

It was an unexpected change that started happening immediately after my first Trame Vibrational Therapy session. In addition to all the noise going away in my body and my head for the first time in years, I had this sense of control over my own feelings. I still saw and felt the people around me, especially if I was in conversation with them. But I no longer felt so permeable.

It felt like a force field was finally and permanently protecting me. I didn’t feel every single emotion that others did, I now had the choice to feel it or not. It was empowering and allows me to continue doing my healing work without the downside of lingering emotions that don’t belong to me.

I am so thankful for this new way of being. Now when I read about other empaths or healers that feel like they are living a reactionary existence, this technique gives me hope that together we can change that.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips.

To our health & wellbeing,


Do You Know Your Value as an Energy Medicine Practitioner?

When you’re in business for yourself as a healer or energy medicine practitioner it’s so easy to lose sight of your value.

Here are a couple reasons why:

1. Culture has not kept up with the evolution of medicine

We, as alternative health practitioners, are not recognized as falling within the medical field; meaning we are considered alternative instead of mainstream medicine.

  • How many people have you helped with your brand of healing?
  • How many people have returned to work without the same emotional or physical pain they once felt?
  • And how many people are feeling lighter because of the shifts you helped them make?

That’s you! Even though our society hasn’t quite caught up with the rapid evolution of energy medicine doesn’t mean that there isn’t tremendous value in it.

2. You get used to your gifts

Because you wake up each day as yourself, you can easily forget that you are unique. Whether you’re an energy healer or an alternative health practitioner, you may forget that the skills you have are incredible.

You are out there delivering a specific brand of healing to many people in need and please don’t forget its transformative power! It’s so easy to doubt oneself in our skills but one thing I’ve learnt (the hard way) is that the more you doubt, the more you cut yourself off from the flow that provides those gifts in the first place. Trust in yourself and your gifts and appreciate the difference you are making in the lives that you touch every single day.

 3. There is no roadmap for conscious growth

As healers or alternative medicine practitioners we ourselves are constantly evolving energetically.  We are always working on ourselves.  We might be learning how to love ourselves more, how to tune into our intuition more deeply or how to be of greater service to others.

And we are trying to do all this while still working on clients and sometimes we don’t know how to be in our ‘new skin’. All of a sudden something shifts and we have to adapt to our new reality once again. In light of all the changes and the need to adapt to them, sometimes we forget the awareness, the clearing and the relief that you provide to your clients. What a gift!

I hope this gives you a glimpse into how the rest of the world sees you.  You are an extremely special part of the whole and are valued beyond words.

If you have some positive words to share for fellow healers, I invite you to share them in the comments below.  You can find us on Facebook and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips.

To our health & wellbeing,


What is Trame Vibrational Therapy?


What Gives You Satisfaction?

It’s those little things that do it for you, am I right?

Perforated edges, getting the last cookie or sitting down at the very start of TV movie that you wanted to see in the theatre. Woo hoo!

When we’re in a sour mood or things aren’t going our way we often forget to do those little things that make us happy and we also stop attracting those amazing moments when things just line up for us.

So, what happened?

The law of attraction says “like attracts like” and as we have thoughts of “this sucks” or “I don’t like this” then we just get more of that. I personally find it frustrating when I’m right in the middle of something I don’t like. What I tend to do is overthink it and what I’ve taught myself to do is allow myself to not think about it. As I just let it be, a crazy thing happens, I slowly become more and more happy. I don’t make a giant leap but bit by bit I find an improvement in my state until I’m where I want to be.

I laugh because I’m the guinea pig for all I’ve learnt. (I also am a keen observer of everyone around me as well as anyone who wants to teach me). I write this from my experience, not because I’ve mastered it but because I’m becoming more aware of it and think that I can explain it in a way that makes sense.

My point is, and I do have one, that our natural state is alignment. It is to be content and when we find ourselves far away from that state of joyousness we only need to remember that we will eventually get there if we just stop doing that thing we do that keeps us unhappy. Meaning, stop thinking about the thing that’s bothering you. If you have a headache, don’t think about your headache. If you’re at a baseball game and you’re scared of getting hit in the face with the ball, don’t think about getting hit in the face with a ball and you’ll decrease the likelihood that you’ll need a new set of teeth.

Our thoughts are powerful. They attract exactly the feeling we have when we’re thinking those thoughts. 

But, take heart because your positive thoughts are infinitely more powerful than your negative ones so you won’t instantly manifest something that you thought about for 5 minutes one Sunday.

So the next time you find yourself in a mood as I call it, find something, anything that makes you a little bit happier and do it.

Make that tea, paint those nails (you too guys), go for a walk, vent to a friend, watch Netflix, write in your journal, watch funny cat videos or in my case ripping perforated edges of my parking receipts and put a smile back on that face even if it takes all day.

One little improvement after another and your natural state of alignment, happiness will prevail and lovingly suck you back in.

~ Madeleine