Holding Back, Apana Bodywork Madeleine

Are You Holding Back?

I held back who I was for the longest time and it made me miserable. I’ve come a long way since those difficult teen years. It wasn’t a single moment of change, it was a process.  I’m still evolving and letting go and probably will be for the rest of my life.

And now I ask: Are you allowing who you really are to fully shine through? Or, are you tamping down, shutting in that beautiful soul that is unique to you? (Like I was, and still do to a certain degree.)

Perhaps somewhere along the line someone said or did something to hurt you, to make you feel like being yourself wasn’t okay. It may be the fear of being hurt again that keeps you quiet, or in your shell. Speaking from experience, it’s painful to stifle, hold back or withdraw who we are.

Whatever that person said or did, whatever it was that made you think that it wasn’t your birthright to be who you are was wrong. None of it was true. When you’re being yourself it feels good and when you’re not, it feels bad. Simple right? Um … not for me it wasn’t!

What makes your soul shine?

Nothing feels more exciting or satisfying than when you express who you really are. This can take many forms and often we can’t find a “proper” label for it so we think we are weird or we don’t quite fit in.

Trust yourself to know what makes you happy, what feels whole and right for you. You could keep going as if nothing does, but you will always know that isn’t right, it causes suffering and deep conflict inside. There is nothing worse than split energy. Half in, half out. It’s pure misery.

It’s hard when life takes over and continues to expect certain things or behaviors from you, day after day. One thing is certain, everyone wins when you honor who you really are because, even if it’s hard or challenging or goes against the grain, it gives others the permission to do the same. And as we do this, we all have the opportunity to grow and expand who we are in the world.

I’ve Been There

I speak of this because I’ve been through it. There have been many situations in my life where I wasn’t completely honest about who I was, so I would be liked, or respected, or approved of. I believe everyone feels this way at times, some more than others. We all want to be loved and approved of. We all have fears and insecurities. What differentiates us is courageously being who we are, even if it’s not popular, ‘normal’ or expected.

I, myself, have been on a lifelong path to become more and more who I am. I knew as a young teenager that I would continue to find insight through my whole life and, as predicted, here I am at thirty-eight years old still making little discoveries about myself. Slowly, I’m allowing them to be expressed into the world. Not surprisingly, I become happier and happier the more “myself” I become.

I’m Here to Help

My work is all about this idea. It’s about giving people the environment, the respect, and the non-judgement to release what is holding them back from being who they really are in the most painless way possible. I love this field because I’m in the presence of brave people showing up for themselves and making changes. I get to hear amazing, heartbreaking and inspiring stories every day. I admire their dedication and join them in their commitment to become who they really are, and in turn, I become more who I am each day through this work. I’m still evolving and letting go, and probably will for the rest of my life, and that’s a good thing.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on FacebookInstagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,
