I get knocked down but I get up again

People always say it’s what you do with life’s challenges that determines the course of your life. Do you let them knock you down or do you get up and persevere? Depending on your reaction to a setback you create a different sort of life. A life where the possibilities are endless.

Now I’m not talking about always being ‘up’ or not getting knocked down because we all do. The difference is we get up. We don’t stay down and linger in it.

This topic of getting knocked down is on my mind because a few weeks ago a teacher of mine killed himself. It was unexpected and a shock to all.

How can that be? How can this smiling and seemingly perfect being on the outside possibly be driven to do something like this? It took the wind out of the whole community.

It was never mentioned that suicide was the cause of death. I understand. In order to protect the family it needed to be hidden but at what cost? Does it help us deal with this situation better in the future if we keep it a secret? How can we learn from this horrible situation if we don’t tell the truth about it?

How many teen suicides could be avoided if we shed some light on this? If we talked about it.


It’s not something to be ashamed of. Some people are genetically predisposed. Others are in an environment that creates it while others have their own traumas and demons to work out. We all do.

 It left me wondering: If there are endless possibilities in the world and within ourselves, how can someone have painted themselves into a corner so dark that there is only one way out?

Depression is like that. It has a way of shutting the blinds, closing the door and sometimes throwing away the key.  At this point it becomes very hard for help to get through. It takes WANTING to get better, to get the help you need.

Hopelessness is one of the key markers of depression. Hope is exactly what one needs to take the first steps to recovery. Not a lot of it. Just a little bit. Just enough to get you out of bed and open the door a crack. Let some light in, let in a possibility or two that there are other options out there.

A ton of options really. I feel it’s been my life’s purpose to try all sorts of healing, therapy and courses in order to synthesize the information for myself, for my growth to combat my teen depression.

I have a long way to go of course but I’ve come a long way.

I’ve had to tune out my overactive brain and critical thoughts and replace them with empowering ones.

I’ve decided to trust each day that I deserve to be loved unconditionally.

I’ve opened myself up to receive love and not be fearful of it.

I have stopped underestimating myself and started believing in my magic.

For those out there that are suffering there is a solution. There are many solutions. If you could believe for just one moment that you being on this earth has tremendous value that the universe has set out for you challenges but none you can’t surmount when you create an opening for change.

The door doesn’t have to swing wide open. It just needs to be open a crack to let the light in.

If you or someone you know are struggling with depression please reach out to someone. Of course I am always here to help. I would love witness your transformation. It is possible.

Share this with someone who may look perfectly fine on the outside but who you feel is shrinking on the inside. It could save their life.

~ Madeleine