You Are Your Business

Are you running your own holistic, coaching or healing business?

I’m sure this isn’t news to you but YOU are your business.

Entrepreneurs know what I mean by this.  Our state is the number one predictor of success. If we feel confidant and ready to go that shows up for us as a full schedule of clients. When we doubt, are insecure or don’t feel worthy we repel potential clients.

But what about if you have it all figured out and something comes along as a surprise and throws you off your game? After all no one can predict the loss of a loved one, the onset of a health issue or the ending of a relationship.

This article is about my observation that when you’re going through a tough time in your personal life it is directly reflected in your business in terms of how smoothly it goes as well as how successful you are.

All businesses ebb and flow but when a big trauma hits, it can flatten your efforts at building your dream biz.

Maybe you don’t have as many bookings and you don’t feel particularly motivated or able to give.  Perhaps you are not fully present for your one-on-one sessions or maybe this stress is interrupting your sleep or ability to focus. However it is affecting you, it seems extra stressful to think that because you’re going through something serious that your business will be affected.

Funny thing, when we’re depleted ourselves, it’s like the bat signal gets projected out and the universe responds by giving you the space and time to heal.

Over the short term that’s okay but over the long term that can create panic.

So what do you do when you’d like to transform your state permanently, become empowered and kick some business ass? In the short term choose what you’re going to FOCUS on. In the moment make that choice. It’s incredibly powerful. If you need something deeper as in at a cellular level, I’m the gal for you.

Yes action is important in business. Absolutely. But if you’re in a non-deserving state, an unworthy state, stressed out or burnt out, you won’t attract the kind of success you’re craving.

Clear out the stress at a cellular level like you’ve never experienced before. Re align your body and become empowered in a big way to make you feel like the rock star that you are. As you change, your business will follow suit, I’ve seen it in mine again and again.

After a few Trame sessions you may reach out to a coach to get the training you need or you may take that course you’ve been stewing over for years or it may be that doing the superman pose for two minutes in the bathroom allows you to walk into the room with the confidence you’ve been longing for.

It’s never knowable how Trame will affect you but it does create pretty massive change, myself included. I’ve seen women walk in with zero self worth and walk out 3 sessions later on cloud 9 in love with themselves.

I was struggling with my business big time. I was in a perpetually low state. I felt unworthy and like I didn’t know what I was doing. I struggled with self-confidence and felt uncomfortable receiving money for my services. All this came on after a big trauma that I “thought” I had dealt with.

My couple Trame sessions got me ready to reach out to a coach and build up my mindset so that I could receive and feel good about it. I worked on my worthiness issues by becoming aware of my thoughts and re-working them into a thought I made me feel unstoppable.

It was an intense process but it got me to catch myself in my negative thought patterns.

The brain is just a tool. An amazing computer that can be re-programmed with a little work.

Just like the brain, the body has glitches that need to be cleared out in order to function optimally and restore harmony.

Trame does that. It clears the bugs out so you can make changes in your life with ease.

I would have never reached out to my coach had I not gotten my Trame sessions because I was in a hole. I felt so low that I couldn’t even afford coaching. After Trame I saw it as a necessity and that the money would come and it did.

If you’re ready for change in yourself and your business, Trame is for you. If you’re stuck, this will get you unstuck.

Sometimes all we need is to get out of the hole so we can see the light of day and make a new choice.

You just need to show up. Your infinitely wise body will do the rest.

~ Madeleine