Are You a Sponge for Emotions?

My dad has always said that I need a peaceful environment. I guess he noticed how frazzled I got when things got too chaotic around me growing up. It could be subtle or obvious but I would felt all the tension or negativity more than the average bear and it would affect me especially since everyone was feeling different things.

 When you’re a sponge for all the emotions around you, it can get overwhelming and affect your mood, productivity or even your sanity at times.

Being spongy is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing when you can use it to help someone or when you’re in a pleasant environment but it’s a curse when you’re surrounded by people that are stressed or upset and you absorb it all like a sponge.

Another word for spongy is being an “empath”.

Empaths pick up on emotions around them.  It becomes an issue is when:

  1. We have trouble not absorbing it, we have no choice.
  2. We have trouble letting it go

Empaths can’t squeeze out the sponge so easily. We carry it around with us. It’s not good for our health or our state of mind and it continues to build up inside.

So what do you do if you’re a spongy empath? Well lucky for you there are many ways to squeeze out that sponge and release all those absorbed feelings.

The most effective ones I’ve experienced are one and two on the list below. Hands down the fastest way to dump all that accumulated stuff that you don’t want to carry around anymore while empowering different aspects of the self.

Effective Ways to Squeeze Out the Sponge:

  1. Trame Vibrational Healing
  2. Qi Gong (the clearing one by Master Yap)
  3. Healing
  4. Therapy
  5. Meditation
  6. Walking in nature
  7. Yoga

Being spongy steals you away from your own present moment and transports you to another’s reality. There isn’t anything wrong with that in moderation but I find the more you feel other’s stuff, the more drawn into their drama you become. It has the tendency to replace your own mental space and temporarily takes your focus away from your own life.

One of my clients’ told me that she was so aware of their boss lurking around the corner that she was on edge the whole day and couldn’t get into her groove at work.  She was so worried that at any second the big boss will pop his head in and criticize her.

She being a sponge felt everyone around her and it was affecting her ability to focus on her work.  After two Trame Vibrational Therapy sessions she said: “You know what? It doesn’t matter what is going on around me, I just don’t take it on”. She continued to explain how even in the presence of auditors, she didn’t break a sweat. It was like water off a ducks back!

One big advantage of Trame Vibrational Therapy is that it squeezes out that sponge so that you don’t continue to accumulate everyone’s stuff. Secondly, it makes you less sensitive to the drama around you leaving you better able to deal with everyday stress or even bigger life stresses. You can tune in if you choose but it becomes a choice not a given.

Don’t get me wrong being empathetic is a gift but there is a balance to be found between being empathetic and being present to your own thoughts and feelings and living YOUR life.

When this is off balance we can feel we are at the mercy of what is going on around us.  We feel defenseless to swim in the soup of emotions that surround us.  If you have the choice to leave that is great but oftentimes we’re at work and can’t change our environment.

If you can’t change your environment, change your perception of your environment.

Trame is like a “big data dump” as one of my clients described. She felt empty and quiet inside afterwards.

If you’re a spongy person, make sure you get regular if not, daily data dumps by doing any of the strategies I’ve mentioned in this article or one of your own that gives you peace and quiet inside. This “data” accumulates inside of us and needs to be cleared out regularly otherwise it will start affecting our health, mental clarity, sleep, relationships and ability to experience joy.

In this life, it is all about you and your growth. It’s okay to focus inward and pay attention to you. There is nothing wrong with that.

To your growth & awareness!

With gratitude,

Madeleine Dasilva