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Hope for Empaths: Trame Vibrational Therapy

Empaths and Trame Vibrational Therapy Aurora - Apana Bodywork

As an empath I used to feel like I was at the mercy of the emotions of the people around me. If they were happy, so was I. If they were sad, I would be upset too.  Some of us are more sensitive to the stimulation around us and that can make it hard to live from our own experience.

I certainly felt that way when I would be in a public place. I’d have to keep my exposure to large crowds to a minimum or leave social situations because it all became overwhelming to me.  It was a very disempowering way to live, yet I felt like I could never change that part of me.

I Tried Everything

I tried everything to protect myself from my inherent sponginess.  I tried setting a force field around me, chanting protective mantras, wearing crystals, then just trying to simply ignore the emotions.  Nothing worked; it felt like others’ emotions were being broadcast from a loud speaker even if they weren’t saying a word.

Trame Vibrational Therapy

I stumbled upon a technique, Trame Vibrational Therapy, that changed everything. It was never my plan to change this part of me. I honestly thought I would be this way forever.  After my third session however, it was undeniable that something had shifted.  I had a choice in how I felt for the first time since I can remember.

After signing up to become trained in Trame I learnt that, just like musical instruments, we humans also get out of tune sometimes. We may not totally feel like ourselves, we may experience more stress or become less able to deal with change, or perhaps the heaviest burdens are the emotions lingering from situations long passed.

Whatever the case, we operate using one primary language and that is vibration. I didn’t realize that I was absorbing others emotions and when left unresolved I stored them all in my body. I didn’t really feel like I was carrying any weight from it until it was released.

I Had a Sense of Control for the First Time in Years

It was an unexpected change that started happening immediately after my first Trame Vibrational Therapy session. In addition to all the noise going away in my body and my head for the first time in years, I had this sense of control over my own feelings. I still saw and felt the people around me, especially if I was in conversation with them. But I no longer felt so permeable.

It felt like a force field was finally and permanently protecting me. I didn’t feel every single emotion that others did, I now had the choice to feel it or not. It was empowering and allows me to continue doing my healing work without the downside of lingering emotions that don’t belong to me.

I am so thankful for this new way of being. Now when I read about other empaths or healers that feel like they are living a reactionary existence, this technique gives me hope that together we can change that.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips.

To our health & wellbeing,


Do You Know Your Value as an Energy Medicine Practitioner?

When you’re in business for yourself as a healer or energy medicine practitioner it’s so easy to lose sight of your value.

Here are a couple reasons why:

1. Culture has not kept up with the evolution of medicine

We, as alternative health practitioners, are not recognized as falling within the medical field; meaning we are considered alternative instead of mainstream medicine.

  • How many people have you helped with your brand of healing?
  • How many people have returned to work without the same emotional or physical pain they once felt?
  • And how many people are feeling lighter because of the shifts you helped them make?

That’s you! Even though our society hasn’t quite caught up with the rapid evolution of energy medicine doesn’t mean that there isn’t tremendous value in it.

2. You get used to your gifts

Because you wake up each day as yourself, you can easily forget that you are unique. Whether you’re an energy healer or an alternative health practitioner, you may forget that the skills you have are incredible.

You are out there delivering a specific brand of healing to many people in need and please don’t forget its transformative power! It’s so easy to doubt oneself in our skills but one thing I’ve learnt (the hard way) is that the more you doubt, the more you cut yourself off from the flow that provides those gifts in the first place. Trust in yourself and your gifts and appreciate the difference you are making in the lives that you touch every single day.

 3. There is no roadmap for conscious growth

As healers or alternative medicine practitioners we ourselves are constantly evolving energetically.  We are always working on ourselves.  We might be learning how to love ourselves more, how to tune into our intuition more deeply or how to be of greater service to others.

And we are trying to do all this while still working on clients and sometimes we don’t know how to be in our ‘new skin’. All of a sudden something shifts and we have to adapt to our new reality once again. In light of all the changes and the need to adapt to them, sometimes we forget the awareness, the clearing and the relief that you provide to your clients. What a gift!

I hope this gives you a glimpse into how the rest of the world sees you.  You are an extremely special part of the whole and are valued beyond words.

If you have some positive words to share for fellow healers, I invite you to share them in the comments below.  You can find us on Facebook and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips.

To our health & wellbeing,


Good Grief

Every sad, tragic thing that’s ever happened to you has had the opportunity to shape you more into who you are… or conversely has led you to forget who you are more and more until you don’t recognize yourself anymore.

As beautiful as life is, it can be utterly impossible at times. You’re humming along and bam!  Life throws you something you never expected and it changes the way you look at things completely. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not.

You try to hang on to your beliefs but with all the shock and awe it’s getting harder and harder to do this.

For me, it was the doctors. The big time, big hospital doctors that told me over and over again to give up on my daughter because there was no hope. I knew better so I fought them. I disagreed. The more I fought, the harder they argued and in the end, I succumbed. I literally fell to the floor. My legs just gave out. It was a huge loss. It was a loss of my trust in the universe. My hope that all things work themselves out for the best and that I was always protected and cared for.

If that was the case, how could this be happening? What am I supposed to learn from this?

The more tragic the situation, more important the lesson.

What if the situation is long over, you’ve tried to learn from it yet you’re still carrying the emotional weight of it around with you?

When I was going through the trauma of Zoe possibly passing any day I thought I was okay. I had found some relief with my daily Qi Gong practice.  After my first Trame Vibration session I got in my car and I felt so calm. Like everything inside my head and body was quiet for the first time in a long time. I started driving away and the stillness remained. I put on the radio and thought, “this is my jam!” I cranked it up and proceeded to rock out. Alone. No, this isn’t embarassing, this is monumental! I hadn’t realized I wasn’t enjoying music anymore until that moment!

This was the first change I noticed followed by many others. It made me think of all the people out there that were suffering in their state of anticipatory grief. Had Zoe passed I would have gone to therapy or talked to someone but because she survived everyone assumed I was okay.

How many of us are caring for a sick or dying parent, caring for a child with an unknown disability or grieving a loss that hasn’t come?

I am still baffled that I needed help and I didn’t know it. My Trame treatment helped me start to see things differently. As Dr.Wayne Dyer wrote: “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change” but how do you do that when your emotions are overwhelming?

There are many ways up the mountain and what works for me or you may not be suitable for someone else but it’s worth opening our eyes to see that we can feel good again. Despite all that’s happened you can find your joy, find the little things that make you smile and eventually with enough momentum going in the direction of appreciation  that inner smile turns into an outer one on your face.

All of a sudden more choices are all spread out in front of you and you are in awe of the progress you’ve made. Synchronicities show up.  Some days will suck. Some days will not but you keep getting up every morning and asking yourself what makes me happy? What will tickle you in this moment? Follow that innate wisdom inside of you and let what feels good be your guide.

Let’s make each moment sweet again for you and see how your world fills up with joy.

Lots of love,


I get knocked down but I get up again

People always say it’s what you do with life’s challenges that determines the course of your life. Do you let them knock you down or do you get up and persevere? Depending on your reaction to a setback you create a different sort of life. A life where the possibilities are endless.

Now I’m not talking about always being ‘up’ or not getting knocked down because we all do. The difference is we get up. We don’t stay down and linger in it.

This topic of getting knocked down is on my mind because a few weeks ago a teacher of mine killed himself. It was unexpected and a shock to all.

How can that be? How can this smiling and seemingly perfect being on the outside possibly be driven to do something like this? It took the wind out of the whole community.

It was never mentioned that suicide was the cause of death. I understand. In order to protect the family it needed to be hidden but at what cost? Does it help us deal with this situation better in the future if we keep it a secret? How can we learn from this horrible situation if we don’t tell the truth about it?

How many teen suicides could be avoided if we shed some light on this? If we talked about it.


It’s not something to be ashamed of. Some people are genetically predisposed. Others are in an environment that creates it while others have their own traumas and demons to work out. We all do.

 It left me wondering: If there are endless possibilities in the world and within ourselves, how can someone have painted themselves into a corner so dark that there is only one way out?

Depression is like that. It has a way of shutting the blinds, closing the door and sometimes throwing away the key.  At this point it becomes very hard for help to get through. It takes WANTING to get better, to get the help you need.

Hopelessness is one of the key markers of depression. Hope is exactly what one needs to take the first steps to recovery. Not a lot of it. Just a little bit. Just enough to get you out of bed and open the door a crack. Let some light in, let in a possibility or two that there are other options out there.

A ton of options really. I feel it’s been my life’s purpose to try all sorts of healing, therapy and courses in order to synthesize the information for myself, for my growth to combat my teen depression.

I have a long way to go of course but I’ve come a long way.

I’ve had to tune out my overactive brain and critical thoughts and replace them with empowering ones.

I’ve decided to trust each day that I deserve to be loved unconditionally.

I’ve opened myself up to receive love and not be fearful of it.

I have stopped underestimating myself and started believing in my magic.

For those out there that are suffering there is a solution. There are many solutions. If you could believe for just one moment that you being on this earth has tremendous value that the universe has set out for you challenges but none you can’t surmount when you create an opening for change.

The door doesn’t have to swing wide open. It just needs to be open a crack to let the light in.

If you or someone you know are struggling with depression please reach out to someone. Of course I am always here to help. I would love witness your transformation. It is possible.

Share this with someone who may look perfectly fine on the outside but who you feel is shrinking on the inside. It could save their life.

~ Madeleine

5 Reasons Why Chronic Pain is So Deeply Rooted

1. Past Injuries

Clients always seem so surprised when I tell them that each and every injury from a sprained ankle to major surgery affects their current state of health. The body has a framework and when there is a force applied to it, it can alter that framework changing its structure at a cellular level.

2. Overuse

We do the same activities, exercises or sports over and over again. We can incur some overuse.  Just like a car needs its tires rotated, so do our bodies in the form of varying what type of exercise as well as the intensity and duration we impose. Every exercise has its place but most of us jump into an activity ill prepared. When it comes to chronic pain we get into certain movement patterns and make the strong movements stronger and the weak ones weaker.

3. Plasticity

Our brains record pain activity. The more pain we have, the bigger our “brain maps” for pain get, often overriding the other activities that part of the brain is meant for. Chronic pain starts as a signal that something is wrong and becomes reinforced with each subsequent experience of pain.

4. Cellular Memories

When bad things happen, if left unresolved, that memory is stored in your cells. This memory creates a vibration that’s out of sync with “healthy cells” causing a glitch in how information and energy flow throughout the body. This can create pain over the long term.

5. Mechanics

Our bodies are adaptable and when there is a roadblock caused by an injury the body works around it. Much like a street closure makes you take the detour, your body will get the job done, just maybe not in the most favorable way to save your joints. This compensation pattern often goes uncorrected and can lead to chronic pain down the road.

I will leave you with a testimonial:

“After suffering with knee pain for fifteen years and trying to treat it every way I could find from physical to spiritual and not finding any long lasting relief I can say that after two Trame Vibational Therapy sessions my pain was gone and the strength that was non existent starting coming back into my whole left side”


A free 30 minute consultation is available for questions. Call Apana Bodywork at 647-801-2424 or email us at apanabodywork@gmail.com.

~ Madeleine

Adaptation to Stress: It’s Not Your Friend

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

We are amazing creatures that can adapt to almost any situation. We adapt to war. We come home with PTSD but we adapt to war. So think of the smaller wars we fight within ourselves and those around us every day.

Don’t we need some help getting ourselves “back to normal” after a particularly stressful period in our lives? Maybe you’ve suffered a loss and feel nothing will ever be normal again. Maybe you’re in so much pain emotionally that you’ve shut down or perhaps you manage kids, work, husband and you and it’s time to clear out some stress.

Every person that I’ve spoken to that has gone through a trauma said: “I was in survival mode”. Survival mode is just another word for stress.

Although this is the body doing its thing of adapting to a situation, it’s also not appropriate over the long term.

Stress/survival mode + time= unhappy camper

The truth is we often don’t notice our state when were in it. We carry on as we always do. It’s our nature to get on with life. It’s survival.

Is survival mode really the best way for us to get all that we want in this life?  Think back to a really productive day at work/home. Was it a day you were really stressed or were you in that sweet spot where you were aware and relaxed at the same time?

I’ve spent my whole like searching for ways to heal on all levels. I’ve spent a small fortune on this endeavor and I’ve finally found something that can help you heal on all levels pretty darn quickly I might add.

Trame Vibrational Therapy works and I want to spread the word so people can stop feeling the way they do unnecessarily.

It’s for the people that are stuck and want to move forward in their lives.

It helps you heal from old emotional wounds, beliefs and traumas like I’ve never seen.

I know someone who has to live apart from his two kids. It is heart wrenching but the situation is so complex that he can only see them once a year.  This man was as we spiritual types like to call a “non-believer”. He believes that he can manage the stresses in his life and that he will, in time, let it all go and feel better. What a great belief but why not get some help in letting that heavy stuff go?

After one Trame session this tattoo clad man was a believer. He didn’t miss his kids any less but he accepted that he wouldn’t be able to be there for them physically but that he would be there for them in other ways.

As I always say: You don’t know how good you can feel until you feel that good again. The reality is that we forget. We adapt.

I encourage you to take a snapshot of your life and see if you want to improve upon it.

Adaptation to stress is great over the short term, but it will mess with your life over the long term. Don’t let it.

If you’re ready for change and you’d like to learn more call Apana Bodywork for a FREE 30 minute consultation at 647.801.2424.

~ Madeleine

Muscular Compensation: How Your Body Works Around Weak Links

muscular compensation - muscle activation techniques aurora - Apana BodyworkI’m Training my client at the gym and no matter how many times I would say “don’t let your knee dive in” during a squat, it didn’t make a difference!  This is bad form that cannot be corrected with proper cueing. No matter how hard my client tried she could not stop her knee from dropping in. I became curious as to why this was happening.  In the first day of the Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) internship they explained how the body compensates or works around a (neurological) weakness as a form of protection from injury or instability. The body avoids positions of weakness and favors positions of strength as a safeguard. That made so much sense!

The Body’s Goal is to Protect, Conserve and Heal

And if it can’t heal, it will continue to protect in as many ways as possible for as long as possible. When a person squats and their knee dives in, there must be a muscular weakness/inhibition that they are avoiding, and as a result, the body is favoring a position of strength and taking a “detour” around the position(s) of weakness.

Why Do Muscles Become Weak?

Before we can talk about muscular compensation we need to quickly address why muscles become neurologically weak or inhibited in the first place. How do muscles become neurologically weak in the first place?  Stress, trauma and overuse shut down the connection between the brain and muscle rendering muscle contraction less efficient and effective or completely absent.  This connection is necessary for proper muscle function.  Net effect: your muscles won’t contract when you need them to or may not contract at all.  This makes you vulnerable to injury because you are more unstable.  This may not seem like a big deal but wait until one weakness stacks on to another and the entire functioning of your body is affected because your body is compensating around weak muscles.

The Nervous System Finds Ways to Work Around the Weaknesses

Most people are shocked to find out that not all their muscles are contracting perfectly.  The objections I hear are: “But I work out!” Or “I feel fine!”  How can we function if this is the case?  The reason we get around so well is that our nervous systems find ways to work around the weaknesses. Like a road closure that makes you take the long way around, the ‘detour’ your body takes to avoid the weakness isn’t as efficient. It may look odd and could even be causing imbalances at your joints but it gets the job done.  Over time, joints can easily get worn out when muscles aren’t doing their job.  It can even render simple activities painful.  Compensation is a work-around that is necessary until we activate those weak links and get back to our proper biomechanical functioning.

Returning Functionality Back to Those Muscles with MAT

Once we get muscle function back, your joints are more balanced taking the stress off of them and for most, decreasing pain and stiffness and increasing motion.  Post treatment mostly everyone reports feeling different when they walk. They have also observed feeling looser, more agile and the complaint they came in with typically changes in quality and severity and this progresses over subsequent treatments. The way your body feels improves gradually over the course of treatments and you begin to feel relief.

Many clients haven’t returned because the problem they came in with is gone.  For others, they drive their bodies like race cars and as a result need more maintenance.  They come in to maintain their alignment, strength and overall sense of well-being while pushing the boundaries of what their bodies can handle.  Wouldn’t you love to be stronger now than you were when you were 20?  That’s a great feeling.

MAT specializes in your muscular system in a way that is going to speed healing from injury, surgery, patellar-femoral syndrome, arthritis, scoliosis, degenerative joint disease, (DJD), bursitis, even ‘sleeping funny’ can be alleviated by re-connecting your muscles. The impact of the muscular system is huge. It is the largest organ in your body and its proper function has cascading effects over your entire system.

In a nutshell when you get a MAT session the specialist will find out what you can’t do. We then restore proper muscle function and reinforce those habits and motions that will speed healing. There is no treatment out there that assesses and treats the muscular system with such focus.  If you’re struggling with an injury or want to try to avoid surgery or if you just have a bad shoulder, neck, ankle MAT is right for you, contact Apana Bodywork and find out how we can pave the road to health.


Madeleine Dasilva
Certified Muscle Activation Specialist & Reiki Master and Teacher


The Effect of Stress on Muscle Contraction

Have you ever been so stressed that you just switch to survival mode? You do what you must do, or what is being asked of you, but you are acting almost subconsciously or even robotically and feeling less and less like yourself…

Stress Can Be a Debilitating Feeling

While some people may suggest that they work better in a stressful environment, stress gets old very quickly no matter the circumstances. Your body gets tired, your digestion may suffer, your sleep becomes interrupted, and you simply do not feel like taking on the day ahead.

This Stress Affects Your Muscles

You can actually feel the effect of stress on muscle contraction. Muscle function can also become strained or non-existent during stressful periods. Stress from any source, whether physical, emotional, or chemical, can shut down your muscles. This stress can result from the lack of sleep, too many deadlines at work, or an accident or personal injury. Regardless of the stimulus, stress has the effect of throwing our bodies “out of whack”.

Muscles do not function on their own; the brain and spinal cord are in charge. If the brain is not receiving the proper information, the muscle simply does not contract or it contracts sluggishly. This creates a problem when you want to play sports, pick up heavy loads, twist, bend or climb stairs. When muscles are not doing their job, the body must compensate around them and that creates problems like tightness, instability, pain, discomfort, and lack of motion.

MAT Removes Stress by Helping Your Muscles

When muscles are working properly, they help you feel lighter and more agile. They also help to stabilize your body and keep you moving fluidly. MAT removes stress from the body by helping your muscles do their job properly.

At Apana Bodywork, we can help. We can determine just the right combination of treatments to help you release or let go of your stress and allow your body to become balanced and strong again.

Everyone struggles with challenges at one time or another. Whether it is a health issue, a family issue or career/job stress, we can help lessen the burden. Our skilled specialist will listen and help you to pave the road back to feeling well again.

Call Apana Bodywork today at 647-801-2424 for your free, no obligation health consultation and make feeling better a priority.

~ Madeleine