A Drug-Free Alternative to Treating Anxiety and Depression

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If my daughter came to me and told me she was sad or anxious and had been for a long time my reflexive reaction would be to bring her to the doctor. I think whenever there is something wrong with us that’s our first instinct.

What if the anxiety/depression got worse and now you really feel that pressure to find a solution for your child? Maybe it’s you that is experiencing the discomfort of your own emotions.  Often we sweep it under the rug thinking that a solution will be very difficult or it won’t work. That’s the ironic part about depression we feel hopeless so we’re less likely to take action. The excuse with anxiety is often “I already have so much on my plate, how could I possibly take on more?”

Whatever the case I’m here to present you with an alternative.  It’s drug-free, it’s holistic, it’s not harmful to your body and there are no side effects except some detox symptoms and there have been some pretty awesome results specific to anxiety and depression that I will share with you a little later.

Let me share a little about my personal experience with these two conditions.  Until now, I have experienced my share of both depression and a few years ago anxiety. They were both intense at times but neither stopped me from living my life and I wasn’t using any medications to alleviate my symptoms. When I was depressed as a teen I still skated 15 hours a week and wrote my exams at school and was on the honor roll.  I got up every morning and did all the things I had to do. I wanted to ask for help but I didn’t know where to go or who to trust.  Many years later as an adult when the trauma I experienced caused me to carry an extreme fear of the future with me every day. I still got up and went to work and cared for my baby.  Because that’s what you do. I didn’t know why I still felt the anxiety the trauma was over and all was well but I just did. I couldn’t shake it off in the words of Miss Taylor Swift (and my daughter’s favorite song).

My point here is that many of us think that we have to get to a point of no return before we seek help. That is just not the case.

So what do you do when you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own body? You think you’re managing well but in those quiet moments before you go to sleep you really want some relief.  I know I did. I was considering anti-anxiety meds because I was operating under the assumption that it would all go away.  If the herbal solutions I was on didn’t feel good I was sure a drug in my system would feel even worse so I stayed away. But I still wanted to stop feeling like the floor was going to disappear underneath me and as if every little thing was stressing me out. This wasn’t how I used to be! What was happening to me?

But that didn’t stop me from thinking a prescription was the only solution. Me. A holistic healer thinking drugs were the answer! What will stop others to think the same way? We see it in pages of a magazine, in commercials on television that drugs are the answer.  I think part of their appeal is the quick fix mentality. I subscribed to that too but it isn’t true.

Drugs aren’t going to go to the root of your discomfort and heal it from the inside out. Drugs will most likely cover up the symptoms and give you a host of unwanted side effects.

Having said that I feel I need to clarify that I am not anti-drug. If drugs work for you and your body I say go for it but it’s for those people that drugs feel even worse than the depression or anxiety itself. It’s for those people that wish they didn’t’ have to experience the side effects on top of feeling worse just in a different way, they just want relief!

If you’re one of those people wishing there was an alternative to a chemical approach consider the following: According to a University of California Study If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety or depression within the last 5 years you will have significant improvement in your condition within 3-5 Trame Vibrational Therapy Sessions.

When you choose Trame Vibrational Therapy there are many benefits.

The treatment continues to work on you for up to 40 days

One treatment every 3 weeks (to allow for integration)

No side-effects only detox symptoms

There is no homework.

There is no feedback.

Just long term improvement in your condition.

I’ve experienced the effects of Trame and once you get reconnected your internal guidance system kicks in and shows you the way. That internal guidance system are your emotions and the massages they are sending you are very accurate.  It’s like all of a sudden you progressively get more and more in tune with yourself. You start to accept things you formerly fought against. You make the necessary changes and adjustments in your life that ultimately make you a happier person.

You become empowered to speak up or take action. You reignite your passion for something or someone. You find your creativity again. You get out of your own way.

It’s the person you are already, Trame just reminds you that you are infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom and unconditional love.

All these things happen to my clients on a regular basis. It’s not a cure all. Not all conditions disappear but with anxiety and depression the results have been very consistent.

So, next time you’re feeling off, have trouble sleeping, feel more wound up than you’d like call to schedule a Trame Vibrational Therapy session. In the majority of cases it will give you the relief you’re looking for at minimal cost to your body and wallet.

With gratitude for all you are,

Madeleine Dasilva

I get knocked down but I get up again

People always say it’s what you do with life’s challenges that determines the course of your life. Do you let them knock you down or do you get up and persevere? Depending on your reaction to a setback you create a different sort of life. A life where the possibilities are endless.

Now I’m not talking about always being ‘up’ or not getting knocked down because we all do. The difference is we get up. We don’t stay down and linger in it.

This topic of getting knocked down is on my mind because a few weeks ago a teacher of mine killed himself. It was unexpected and a shock to all.

How can that be? How can this smiling and seemingly perfect being on the outside possibly be driven to do something like this? It took the wind out of the whole community.

It was never mentioned that suicide was the cause of death. I understand. In order to protect the family it needed to be hidden but at what cost? Does it help us deal with this situation better in the future if we keep it a secret? How can we learn from this horrible situation if we don’t tell the truth about it?

How many teen suicides could be avoided if we shed some light on this? If we talked about it.


It’s not something to be ashamed of. Some people are genetically predisposed. Others are in an environment that creates it while others have their own traumas and demons to work out. We all do.

 It left me wondering: If there are endless possibilities in the world and within ourselves, how can someone have painted themselves into a corner so dark that there is only one way out?

Depression is like that. It has a way of shutting the blinds, closing the door and sometimes throwing away the key.  At this point it becomes very hard for help to get through. It takes WANTING to get better, to get the help you need.

Hopelessness is one of the key markers of depression. Hope is exactly what one needs to take the first steps to recovery. Not a lot of it. Just a little bit. Just enough to get you out of bed and open the door a crack. Let some light in, let in a possibility or two that there are other options out there.

A ton of options really. I feel it’s been my life’s purpose to try all sorts of healing, therapy and courses in order to synthesize the information for myself, for my growth to combat my teen depression.

I have a long way to go of course but I’ve come a long way.

I’ve had to tune out my overactive brain and critical thoughts and replace them with empowering ones.

I’ve decided to trust each day that I deserve to be loved unconditionally.

I’ve opened myself up to receive love and not be fearful of it.

I have stopped underestimating myself and started believing in my magic.

For those out there that are suffering there is a solution. There are many solutions. If you could believe for just one moment that you being on this earth has tremendous value that the universe has set out for you challenges but none you can’t surmount when you create an opening for change.

The door doesn’t have to swing wide open. It just needs to be open a crack to let the light in.

If you or someone you know are struggling with depression please reach out to someone. Of course I am always here to help. I would love witness your transformation. It is possible.

Share this with someone who may look perfectly fine on the outside but who you feel is shrinking on the inside. It could save their life.

~ Madeleine

The Masks We Wear

I think we all expect ourselves to be “perfect” in our own ways and then we hide when were not.  At least I know I do. I’m ashamed that I’m feeling low or haven’t succeeded at something and I hide away in small and sometimes bigger ways. It got me thinking that perhaps we all put on a mask to a certain extent. Some more than others. We do it to feel strong when we’re feeling vulnerable because we’re flawed and we don’t want others to see our spots.

We all have the same Six Core Wounds:

  1. I am unlovable
  2. I am unworthy
  3. I am bad
  4. I am powerless
  5. I’m not safe
  6. I am alone

You may wonder how that can possible be. You’ve heard that we’re all connected and this is true in our wounds as well. We share in the collective consciousness of the planet.  Your fears are the fears of the planet. If we all have a different mix of the six wounds so chances are your neighbor or friend has the same fears as you.  None of these are true yet we all share them.

So if we’re all basically the same, why are we hiding from each other?

I remember I was at diner with a group of fellow students and the gentleman beside me told me he wrote poetry. I thought: “Cool! Can I read one?” He was super embarrassed and said: “I couldn’t”. So I started telling him my theory about how we’re all basically the same so why would you feel shy to share? Turns out I wasn’t that convincing and I didn’t get to read his poem after all but it confirmed my original belief that we hide from one another.

We all put on a mask, yet we pretend we’re not.  Why are we trying to hide our true selves?

We’re all different and lovely in our own wacky way. I am particularly fond of my rose gold high tops but my husband thinks I’m stuck in the ‘90’s whereas my daughter bites her nails like a stockbroker on the trading floor. No one says anything, we just observe and move on. How boring would it be if we all tried to be the same? Our quirks are what makes each of us so interesting. We often think our quirks are negative but they bring such joy to others.

I actually tried to be “normal” in University. I lasted about a week.  I was being teased for saying silly things and so I decided: “No more!” I was going to be totally normal from now on. I didn’t get made fun of but it was the most boring week of my life.

Some of us have mastered that being ourselves in all our glory is okay. It’s more than okay, it’s a privilege that only you have!

 If you won’t be yourself, who will?

I’m sitting here at the age of 36 just now figuring out that I am worthy and it is okay to fully be myself. More than okay, it makes my life feel blissful. I am saying the things I want to say, telling the jokes I think are funny and doing what I’m passionate about for a living and loving every minute of it.

Only you can give yourself permission to be yourself. To live your life the way you are happy and fulfilled to live it. No one else will come along and say: “Hey, you don’t like that, why are you doing it?”

When we’re not ourselves we bury our real thoughts, emotions and words. We ignore them and stuff them down. They accumulate inside of us. The pain may not be apparent right away but with each day, each opportunity missed it will drain instead of inspire you.

If we all have the same fears and we’re all connected then there is absolutely no reason to hide your unique genius and quirks. It will light up the people around you to see you love and accept yourself and inspire them to do the same.

Pick and choose which wounds resonate with you and flip them around. You’ll be amazed at how simple turning these around can be!

Simply telling yourself each morning:

  1. I am lovable
  2. I am worthy
  3. I am good
  4. I am powerful
  5. I am safe
  6. I am surrounded by love and support

With love & gratitude,

Madeleine Dasilva

Adaptation to Stress: It’s Not Your Friend

The first step is admitting you have a problem.

We are amazing creatures that can adapt to almost any situation. We adapt to war. We come home with PTSD but we adapt to war. So think of the smaller wars we fight within ourselves and those around us every day.

Don’t we need some help getting ourselves “back to normal” after a particularly stressful period in our lives? Maybe you’ve suffered a loss and feel nothing will ever be normal again. Maybe you’re in so much pain emotionally that you’ve shut down or perhaps you manage kids, work, husband and you and it’s time to clear out some stress.

Every person that I’ve spoken to that has gone through a trauma said: “I was in survival mode”. Survival mode is just another word for stress.

Although this is the body doing its thing of adapting to a situation, it’s also not appropriate over the long term.

Stress/survival mode + time= unhappy camper

The truth is we often don’t notice our state when were in it. We carry on as we always do. It’s our nature to get on with life. It’s survival.

Is survival mode really the best way for us to get all that we want in this life?  Think back to a really productive day at work/home. Was it a day you were really stressed or were you in that sweet spot where you were aware and relaxed at the same time?

I’ve spent my whole like searching for ways to heal on all levels. I’ve spent a small fortune on this endeavor and I’ve finally found something that can help you heal on all levels pretty darn quickly I might add.

Trame Vibrational Therapy works and I want to spread the word so people can stop feeling the way they do unnecessarily.

It’s for the people that are stuck and want to move forward in their lives.

It helps you heal from old emotional wounds, beliefs and traumas like I’ve never seen.

I know someone who has to live apart from his two kids. It is heart wrenching but the situation is so complex that he can only see them once a year.  This man was as we spiritual types like to call a “non-believer”. He believes that he can manage the stresses in his life and that he will, in time, let it all go and feel better. What a great belief but why not get some help in letting that heavy stuff go?

After one Trame session this tattoo clad man was a believer. He didn’t miss his kids any less but he accepted that he wouldn’t be able to be there for them physically but that he would be there for them in other ways.

As I always say: You don’t know how good you can feel until you feel that good again. The reality is that we forget. We adapt.

I encourage you to take a snapshot of your life and see if you want to improve upon it.

Adaptation to stress is great over the short term, but it will mess with your life over the long term. Don’t let it.

If you’re ready for change and you’d like to learn more call Apana Bodywork for a FREE 30 minute consultation at 647.801.2424.

~ Madeleine

How to Quickly Heal from Accumulated Stress

heal from accumulated stressThere’s no reason to hide it. You know that you haven’t been sleeping well or dealing with stress particularly great lately.

The longer we try to deny it, the more it affects us. Annoying, isn’t it? But isn’t stress the reality of life?

Yes and no. Yes you are going to endure stress forever and ever but the way you handle it canchange dramatically.  Personally I’ve experienced going from a 10/10 stress to a 1/10 stress level after only one Trame Vibrational Healing session.

It’s actually the reason I became trained in it.

Before my session I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t really enjoying music that much. I knew I couldn’t fall asleep easily but I thought I was managing it quite well ( I wasn’t). I would take melatonin to sleep or wait until I was so exhausted I knew I would pass out.  And I had breakouts all over my body. Hey, it’s just stress, it’s normal!

No it isn’t.

I think it’s time that we raise the standard of what wellness looks and feels like.

So, being in the healing field for about a decade now, I was open to trying new things. I had met a couple healers at a networking event and one in particular stood out. She was so calm. I mean really calm. To the point that I thought she was from another planet. How could she have two kids, be divorced yet be this calm?

It made me interested in what she was doing so I tried a Trame healing. I didn’t reallly know what it was or how it worked but what I did know was that something had to change. I knew I wasn’t living in the way I wanted to and I didn’t really feel like myself anymore.

After one session I got into my car and felt completely calm. It wasn’t the transient calm that follows a massage or a nap, it was this deep unending calm. As I turned the music on I realized that I was really into this song.  That was different. Actually, I hadn’t enjoyed music like this in years. I felt liberated. When I got home, I wanted to snuggle with my husband and dance with my daughter. This also wasn’t something I ususally wanted to do. I was always too overwhelmed to enjoy the simple things.

I had to learn this technique, and pass it along to my family, friends and clients.

So far, the results I’ve seen are decreased stress (significantly) as well as the ability to manage stress much better. Most report an increase in energy combined with more realistic expectations of themselves. It’s only the beginnig so stay tuned more findings!

I feel compelled to share this with individuals who experience chronic stress. It can make a huge difference in how you feel and it’s worth every penny.

~ Madeleine