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Healing Trauma in Children with Trame Vibrational Therapy

Has your Child Experienced Trauma? 

First of allyou’re not a bad parent. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control and as parents we simply do the best we can in the circumstancewe find ourselves in. Helping heal trauma in children is a topic that I take very seriously.  

In fact, mown daughter had a brain injury at birth resulting from oxygen deprivation. The cord was wrapped tightly around her ankles and doctors didn’t detect it until I was in labor. So – I hear you! I know what it’s like to want to do everything in your power to help your child heal. 

As parents, we always want the very best for our kids. But what can you do if your child is too young to talk through their fears or challenges? Luckily, I have a highly effective, yet gentle treatment to offer you – it is called Trame Vibrational Therapy. 

How Can Trame Vibrational Therapy Help your Child? 

This is a gentle hands-on treatment that takes between 15-35 minutes depending on the age of your child. This treatment resets the nervous system and clears out cellular blockages. Blockages are caused by unresolved emotions, physical injury and negative beliefs. This treatment will also re-align the body’s blueprint. This blueprint controls all of the information and energy that travels through the body and organizes the body from start to finish. 

After a traumatic experience these blockages can get stuck in the body – thus creating chaos. Children and even adults can find it extremely challenging to describe what they are feeling inside. Once the treatment is over, balance is restored and cellular memories and blockages left behind from trauma will be cleared out. Then, the body will undergo an integration period that lasts up to forty days. During this time, the body will adjust to its new conditionin order to reach its natural harmony and state of empowerment once again.  

What is Involved in this Treatment? 

For children, this treatment may involve talking, moving around, and an ebb and flow (depending on the child). This is so that we are able to get all the hand positions completed. 

I’ve treated children that have experienced serious trauma such as – the loss of a parent, kids who have been bullied or made to feel unaccepted by their peers, and even those that wanted to avoid taking medication for their symptoms. I also have extensive experience working with children with severe autism.  

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn. 

To our health & wellbeing, 


Are Your Chakras Blocked?

Have you ever had a healer tell you that your chakras are blocked? Perhaps you felt something tense up in your body, or you experienced that tightening in your stomach when you had to give a speech. However it comes, we can learn to listen to our bodies and let the message that is hidden underneath come up to the surface and speak to us.

3 Signals from your body that you have a blocked chakra:

  1. Tightness. Sometimes a blocked chakra can feel tight. In the same way a muscle can feel tight, if we know the location of our chakras, we can tune in and feel if they are out of balance. For example, a blocked throat chakra often feels tight. Why does this happen? We could be holding back saying something we really want to say. We could be twisting the truth a bit when we do express ourselves. Or perhaps we simply don’t feel heard.
  2. Discomfort. An imbalance in a chakra can also feel down right uncomfortable. That pang we feel when a loved one is hurtful toward us, or when we don’t feel good enough, can bring about that not so pleasant blockage in our heart chakra. Our heart chakra represents the love we have for ourselves, others and our connection to our bigger/unconditionally loving self.
  3. Knot. Have you ever heard someone say that they feel as though they have a knot in their stomach? That spot just under their ribcage that houses the solar plexus chakra is our will center. It is the place that turns into a fist when someone is trying to control us, or we are doing something we don’t really want to do. You’ve felt this when forced to work over a weekend or if a partner makes you take those dreaded dance lessons. If a chakra feels like a knot you can be sure you have a blockage there that needs to be cleared.

What do we do to clear these blockages?

We can simply sit with ourselves, quiet our mind and place our hands on the area that is screaming out at us, and listen without expectation. It’s that simple. Your bigger self is an expert at relaying the information that is crucial for your conscious evolution. All we need to do is listen to the subtle messages that come up.

Learning how to hone your intuition will make this process much easier. I will share more on different types of intuition in my next blog.

For now, tune in and listen to the signals your emotional guidance system is broadcasting. It doesn’t take over-analyzing or complete stillness, but it does require you to stop, tune in to yourself completely and let go. The messages are always more subtle than we expect. We may think it will sound like a blow horn but in reality it’s more like a wise whisper.

If you need any help clearing those blockages that is my specialty and I’m here to help. There are many avenues, like Master Reiki healing sessions to become aware of beliefs that are running the show and clearing them. Reiki Level I courses are for those who know they are healers themselves, or Trame Vibrational Therapy to reset the nervous system and clear out unresolved emotions. There are many ways up the mountain, I know you will find yours!

If you need guidance on which is the most suited for you take advantage of my complimentary thirty minute phone consultation.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

Wishing you a Happy New Year.

To our health & wellbeing,


Could You Have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

post-traumatic stress disorderI may not have gone to war but I felt like a warrior. I had dreams that woke me sweating and gasping for breath. I was living but I wasn’t really living. I knew I wasn’t in a good state but I didn’t know that I could be experiencing a form of PTSD.   Does this feeling sound familiar? I hope not but if it does…this is what changed everything for me.

I’ve tried writing about the way my daughter was born about a million times now. Every time I stop. I just get stuck. I can’t finish it. In this context it is to help others that have not lost someone but are going through all the same grief as if they had.  It’s called anticipatory grief and I specialize in helping people past the toughest times in their life.

I believe we can heal on all levels and that will ultimately help us be and relate to others with more and more love.  I also believe that even though life can throw us some serious challenges, we can come through it better than we were before, More connected, more empathetic, more open, more loving and healthier on all levels.

Are you caring for a mother with Alzeimers disease?  Are you married to a partner with a terminal illness? In my case a mother who is caring for a child who is expected to slowly die. None of these situations are easy. You have to go on doing all the things you normally do because they need you but there is this massive sense that nothing is okay. It is soul rattling. My heart goes out to anyone going through something similar and it is my hope that those people will ask for help because the sick person gets all the help and the support person is left to deal with it on their own.

I was lost.

I felt as a new mom that all of my friends were so far away, living a totally different life. Even when a friend did reach out, I didn’t know how to be close with them. When anyone would ask how my daughter was doing I would just say: “she’s great!” It wasn’t the truth, it was the only thing I could get out of my mouth in order to stay positive. For friends of someone going through something difficult you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be there.  People naturally want to help but are often too scared that they will say or do the wrong thing

It’s not about saying all the right things and getting approval, it’s about being there. Imperfectly. There is a line of empathy cards for awkward moments that say things like: “I’m so sorry you’re sick. I promise I won’t try to sell you on some random treatment I found on the internet”(emilymcdowell.com/collections/empathy-cards) .

So often we make it about us, but it has nothing to do with us. It isn’t personal.

Often those that are going through a trauma like this are depressed or anxious but it’s hard to know what is the situation versus what is you. After all who can be happy while going through this? You may not expect to feel like yourself and over time you slowly lose who you are as a result. It’s kind of like aging. When you have aches and pains in your body it’s so easy to say: Oh well, I’m just getting older but a lot of those aches and pains could be alleviated or prevented. Same goes for someone’s mental state during a trauma, they don’t expect to feel happy or grateful, so they let it go and over time, they may stop expecting to be happy.

My mission is to help people that are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder so that they can reclaim who they are and feel empowered to take care of themselves again.

If you feel like you’ll never feel like yourself again there is so much help out there.

On my end I’ve tried and felt amazing results from daily Qi Gong practice, La Trame Vibrational Therapy, Reiki Healing, Life Activation and most recently Reconnection Healing. That’s my route. The healing route. Maybe you’re more comfortable with talk therapy. In that case I would suggest a therapy that deals with the subconscious mind because, in my experience, the only way to get beyond the surface of the issues and make real change is to go deeper than the conscious mind.

Whatever you choose, it doesn’t much matter to me as long as you seek help and get the support you need to feel like yourself again.

With the deepest love in my heart I wish healing for all those going through a trauma like I have.