Tag Archive for: Muscle Activation Therapy

Are You Showing Up as Your Truest Self?

How Trame Vibrational Therapy Can Help You Heal Your Mind and Body

Vulnerability has been researched extensively by one of my favourite experts on all taboo topics – Brene Brown. Leading by example during her TED talk that became the Top 10 most viewed in the world, she put herself out there confessing that she didn’t agree with her research findings. She has studied vulnerability for the past twelve years and has empirically proven that vulnerability at its core requires courage and simply can’t exist otherwise.

I don’t know about you but for me vulnerability didn’t come easy and still takes a few deep breaths to conjure the strength to put myself “out there” in moments when I’d rather put a wall up or pretend otherwise.

We are all Imperfectly Perfect

The reason I believe this topic is so important is that we live in a culture where we are starved for real connections. We are all-tech-all-the-time and little face to face time. We are going a million miles a minute and crave human contact, but we can’t really connect if we’re faking it or holding back our true selves. It is important to get comfortable in our own imperfect skin so that we can show up more as who we are, in order to reap the social rewards.

We all have people in our lives that being completely ourselves comes naturally and then we have the relationships where we feel we have to put our best foot forward and strive toward perfection.

So how do we show up as our true selves when we are in front of people who expect us to be flawless? How do we shed all the layers of false beliefs that tell us we are not good enough and really show up as who we really are?

It’s entirely possible.

One Step at a Time

With a focus on personal development and the right tools, you’d be surprised at how quickly your internal world changes for the better.

I’ve seen clients in my practice that come in with laundry lists of issues like physical pain, depression/anxiety, difficulty communicating or relating to their kids or spouses, stress, difficulty getting motivated in their businesses, and so on.

Sounds like a lot to “fix” right?

It’s a lot simpler than drudging through all the issues and dissecting them at length. In my practice, it’s about recalibrating the individual so that their own innate intelligence takes care of the healing.

So how do we get this done? Trame Vibrational Technique.

Trame Vibrational Therapy

Trame is vibrational medicine. Just like a musical instrument that requires periodic tuning, so do you! We are very complex instruments that can play off key at times and this only means we need a tune up.

Signs you may need a vibrational tune up:

  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Re-living the past
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Issues with Sleep
  • Inability to settle
  • Pain in the body

And the list goes on!

As Albert Einstein once said, “the future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Trame Vibrational therapy is just that – a big step toward balance, harmony and re-setting the nervous system so that the body can heal itself.

Feeling empowered enough to be vulnerable no matter where you are or who you’re with is something that I’ve witnessed in my practice even when clients weren’t looking for it. They show up confidently with their children as well as at work, they become more resilient to very stressful situations, and they learn about themselves. But most importantly they are happier and feel more like themselves. Personal growth is why I do what I do. I know the pain of not showing up as myself fully and I want to share that gift with others.

Let’s Connect

If you’re looking to shed some layers that are holding you back from fully expressing who you are in the world, book your complimentary 30-minute consultation and learn how this is easier than you think.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,


5 Reasons Why Chronic Pain is So Deeply Rooted

1. Past Injuries

Clients always seem so surprised when I tell them that each and every injury from a sprained ankle to major surgery affects their current state of health. The body has a framework and when there is a force applied to it, it can alter that framework changing its structure at a cellular level.

2. Overuse

We do the same activities, exercises or sports over and over again. We can incur some overuse.  Just like a car needs its tires rotated, so do our bodies in the form of varying what type of exercise as well as the intensity and duration we impose. Every exercise has its place but most of us jump into an activity ill prepared. When it comes to chronic pain we get into certain movement patterns and make the strong movements stronger and the weak ones weaker.

3. Plasticity

Our brains record pain activity. The more pain we have, the bigger our “brain maps” for pain get, often overriding the other activities that part of the brain is meant for. Chronic pain starts as a signal that something is wrong and becomes reinforced with each subsequent experience of pain.

4. Cellular Memories

When bad things happen, if left unresolved, that memory is stored in your cells. This memory creates a vibration that’s out of sync with “healthy cells” causing a glitch in how information and energy flow throughout the body. This can create pain over the long term.

5. Mechanics

Our bodies are adaptable and when there is a roadblock caused by an injury the body works around it. Much like a street closure makes you take the detour, your body will get the job done, just maybe not in the most favorable way to save your joints. This compensation pattern often goes uncorrected and can lead to chronic pain down the road.

I will leave you with a testimonial:

“After suffering with knee pain for fifteen years and trying to treat it every way I could find from physical to spiritual and not finding any long lasting relief I can say that after two Trame Vibational Therapy sessions my pain was gone and the strength that was non existent starting coming back into my whole left side”


A free 30 minute consultation is available for questions. Call Apana Bodywork at 647-801-2424 or email us at apanabodywork@gmail.com.

~ Madeleine

The Effect of Stress on Muscle Contraction

Have you ever been so stressed that you just switch to survival mode? You do what you must do, or what is being asked of you, but you are acting almost subconsciously or even robotically and feeling less and less like yourself…

Stress Can Be a Debilitating Feeling

While some people may suggest that they work better in a stressful environment, stress gets old very quickly no matter the circumstances. Your body gets tired, your digestion may suffer, your sleep becomes interrupted, and you simply do not feel like taking on the day ahead.

This Stress Affects Your Muscles

You can actually feel the effect of stress on muscle contraction. Muscle function can also become strained or non-existent during stressful periods. Stress from any source, whether physical, emotional, or chemical, can shut down your muscles. This stress can result from the lack of sleep, too many deadlines at work, or an accident or personal injury. Regardless of the stimulus, stress has the effect of throwing our bodies “out of whack”.

Muscles do not function on their own; the brain and spinal cord are in charge. If the brain is not receiving the proper information, the muscle simply does not contract or it contracts sluggishly. This creates a problem when you want to play sports, pick up heavy loads, twist, bend or climb stairs. When muscles are not doing their job, the body must compensate around them and that creates problems like tightness, instability, pain, discomfort, and lack of motion.

MAT Removes Stress by Helping Your Muscles

When muscles are working properly, they help you feel lighter and more agile. They also help to stabilize your body and keep you moving fluidly. MAT removes stress from the body by helping your muscles do their job properly.

At Apana Bodywork, we can help. We can determine just the right combination of treatments to help you release or let go of your stress and allow your body to become balanced and strong again.

Everyone struggles with challenges at one time or another. Whether it is a health issue, a family issue or career/job stress, we can help lessen the burden. Our skilled specialist will listen and help you to pave the road back to feeling well again.

Call Apana Bodywork today at 647-801-2424 for your free, no obligation health consultation and make feeling better a priority.

~ Madeleine