Tag Archive for: Treating anxiety & depression

A Drug-Free Alternative to Treating Anxiety and Depression

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If my daughter came to me and told me she was sad or anxious and had been for a long time my reflexive reaction would be to bring her to the doctor. I think whenever there is something wrong with us that’s our first instinct.

What if the anxiety/depression got worse and now you really feel that pressure to find a solution for your child? Maybe it’s you that is experiencing the discomfort of your own emotions.  Often we sweep it under the rug thinking that a solution will be very difficult or it won’t work. That’s the ironic part about depression we feel hopeless so we’re less likely to take action. The excuse with anxiety is often “I already have so much on my plate, how could I possibly take on more?”

Whatever the case I’m here to present you with an alternative.  It’s drug-free, it’s holistic, it’s not harmful to your body and there are no side effects except some detox symptoms and there have been some pretty awesome results specific to anxiety and depression that I will share with you a little later.

Let me share a little about my personal experience with these two conditions.  Until now, I have experienced my share of both depression and a few years ago anxiety. They were both intense at times but neither stopped me from living my life and I wasn’t using any medications to alleviate my symptoms. When I was depressed as a teen I still skated 15 hours a week and wrote my exams at school and was on the honor roll.  I got up every morning and did all the things I had to do. I wanted to ask for help but I didn’t know where to go or who to trust.  Many years later as an adult when the trauma I experienced caused me to carry an extreme fear of the future with me every day. I still got up and went to work and cared for my baby.  Because that’s what you do. I didn’t know why I still felt the anxiety the trauma was over and all was well but I just did. I couldn’t shake it off in the words of Miss Taylor Swift (and my daughter’s favorite song).

My point here is that many of us think that we have to get to a point of no return before we seek help. That is just not the case.

So what do you do when you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own body? You think you’re managing well but in those quiet moments before you go to sleep you really want some relief.  I know I did. I was considering anti-anxiety meds because I was operating under the assumption that it would all go away.  If the herbal solutions I was on didn’t feel good I was sure a drug in my system would feel even worse so I stayed away. But I still wanted to stop feeling like the floor was going to disappear underneath me and as if every little thing was stressing me out. This wasn’t how I used to be! What was happening to me?

But that didn’t stop me from thinking a prescription was the only solution. Me. A holistic healer thinking drugs were the answer! What will stop others to think the same way? We see it in pages of a magazine, in commercials on television that drugs are the answer.  I think part of their appeal is the quick fix mentality. I subscribed to that too but it isn’t true.

Drugs aren’t going to go to the root of your discomfort and heal it from the inside out. Drugs will most likely cover up the symptoms and give you a host of unwanted side effects.

Having said that I feel I need to clarify that I am not anti-drug. If drugs work for you and your body I say go for it but it’s for those people that drugs feel even worse than the depression or anxiety itself. It’s for those people that wish they didn’t’ have to experience the side effects on top of feeling worse just in a different way, they just want relief!

If you’re one of those people wishing there was an alternative to a chemical approach consider the following: According to a University of California Study If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety or depression within the last 5 years you will have significant improvement in your condition within 3-5 Trame Vibrational Therapy Sessions.

When you choose Trame Vibrational Therapy there are many benefits.

The treatment continues to work on you for up to 40 days

One treatment every 3 weeks (to allow for integration)

No side-effects only detox symptoms

There is no homework.

There is no feedback.

Just long term improvement in your condition.

I’ve experienced the effects of Trame and once you get reconnected your internal guidance system kicks in and shows you the way. That internal guidance system are your emotions and the massages they are sending you are very accurate.  It’s like all of a sudden you progressively get more and more in tune with yourself. You start to accept things you formerly fought against. You make the necessary changes and adjustments in your life that ultimately make you a happier person.

You become empowered to speak up or take action. You reignite your passion for something or someone. You find your creativity again. You get out of your own way.

It’s the person you are already, Trame just reminds you that you are infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom and unconditional love.

All these things happen to my clients on a regular basis. It’s not a cure all. Not all conditions disappear but with anxiety and depression the results have been very consistent.

So, next time you’re feeling off, have trouble sleeping, feel more wound up than you’d like call to schedule a Trame Vibrational Therapy session. In the majority of cases it will give you the relief you’re looking for at minimal cost to your body and wallet.

With gratitude for all you are,

Madeleine Dasilva