Healing from Brain Injury: Zoe’s Story

What’s your biggest fear? Mine is public speaking. Yesterday I finally did the presentation on healing brain injury: Zoe’s Story, and it was terrifying…until I started.

I loved how it felt. The possibilities are endless in how people will receive your message and what they will take from it. I love that; the chance to change someone’s perspective.

This brings me to thanking all the family and friends who supported me yesterday evening.  It’s hard to know what to do when someone is going through a challenge and the majority of help is provided by just SHOWING UP.  So thank you all for that!

A friend came up to me after the talk and asked me if I had read Dr. Doidge’s book ‘The Brains Way of Healing’ and I knew what he was referring to.  In the book he mentions the PONS modulator that is placed in a persons’ mouth that sends electrical impulses through two cranial nerves to the brain to hopefully send those signals throughout the brain so it can rewire itself.

I actually called Dr. Doidge to ask him when that would be available. He said it was in trials in the U.S. military and expected it to be available to the public in about two years.

I believe that given the right stimulation that the brain can heal itself. I also believe that the willingness of the spirit to support this healing is crucial. That willingness is not under our control.  We can support, provide stimulation, be open to all healing modalities that may provide what is needed to heal but ultimately it is up to the person if they are going to heal. This is not a conscious decision but one made on a soul level.

Disturbingly enough, doctors will never provide you with any suggestions of healers, naturopaths, Muscle Activation specialists, Posturologists, brain gym and treatment options like the Anat Baniel method.  All these modalities have the potential to help you in your quest to find a solution to the challenges your child faces. In my case it was my newborn baby and I couldn’t of felt more alone.

Luckily I am in the healing profession so I could use some of my skills on my daughter but what about all the parents who are busy working professionals and don’t know about all these alternative healing modalities that could be useful?

I’ve learnt that many rehabilitation/healing modalities have a place, it’s just matter of figuring out what is appropriate and when.

To all parents of kids with brain injury: Listen to your doctor and then do what you feel is right for your child. Listen to your intuition and trust it above and beyond anything else that is said to you.