Why is it so Hard to Do What We Want to Do?

I Have Been in the Professional Closet for Many Years…

I’ve been an energy healer hiding behind the more physical services that I provide.

For almost 10 years now I haven’t been upfront about what I do.  I used to hide behind personal training then Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) because it’s the more accepted form of treatment.

Why do we do this?

Because it’s easier.

It’s a lot harder to show that there is more that we can’t see. It’s a lot harder to prove that how you feel creates the life you have now. It’s a lot harder as a healer to show that we have to heal all the deep down “stuff” that is creating this physical reality you’re living.

I think most spiritual types like me make these little compromises all the time for fear of being seen as a woo woo, hippy or too ‘out there’ by the left brained logical types or those that may not be ready to hear it.

I’m talking about my experience being out there as a healer and owning it but this applies to anyone who is not truly doing what they want to do. Whether it’s a job, a relationship, a life path, the actual choice doesn’t matter, it’s the honoring who you are that is the biggest deal here.

It doesn’t hurt much at first but we give up something small maybe we take a temporary job just ‘for now’ or we give up a hobby we love and then it can build over time to bigger and bigger things.

Kind of makes me think of many lawyer movies where the star is a straight shooter with strong morals who slowly makes one bad decision after another and soon doesn’t recognize who he is anymore.

Don’t let this be you

I hate to sound preachy but I don’t care.  Listen to your gut, listen to your body, listen to that quiet voice guiding you because it will just get louder and louder until you listen to it and take action. The alternative doesn’t need to be horrible, it’s just not for you. That temporary job is not for your highest purpose, it’s not evil.

Listen to that voice, that feeling, that inner knowing and take the next smallest step toward it even though you are not sure how it will pan out or you doubt you’re making a mistake. If you are making a mistake, trust me you will know it and adjust your course.

Take the next step in honoring your highest purpose and you will be rewarded in synchronicities, confirmation, abundance and joy.  I am still working on it but I keep taking the next terrifying step and trust that it is where I am meant to be.

~ Madeleine

Apana Bodywork