Trauma and Memory

Trauma and memory often go hand in hand. Many trauma sufferers have gone to psychotherapy and it has helped them greatly. I don’t typically see those people. The trauma sufferers I see are those who have tried psychotherapy at length and found little to no relief.  The symptoms of trauma that I typically observe in my practice are: internal spinning or a sense of constant agitation, feeling ungrounded, heightened emotional triggers, mood swings, anger, anxiety, trouble sleeping, brain fog, low energy and relationship strain. There are many other symptoms but these tend to be the most common ones.

Basically, the person doesn’t feel like themselves since the trauma and they’ve tried to get themselves “back on track” but all the usual coping mechanisms of yoga, meditation, and therapy just aren’t working for them anymore. It’s very frustrating for them, and to be honest, they’re usually close to giving up and I’m their last-ditch effort.

I totally get it, I was once them. I didn’t think Trame Vibrational Therapy was any different than the dozens of other alternative therapies I had tried. My response was like: “yeah yeah…okay I’ll try it”. That was how I used to feel but let’s focus on the results of my past clients.

My past client’s name is Connor. He was a middle-aged exceedingly successful entrepreneur who would get these intense flashbacks of the sexual abuse he endured as a child. He would be walking his dog and bam, he’d be struck by these memories. Connor was able to function well but he was always wary about a flashback around the next corner.

 I explained to Connor that we can never clear out the actual traumatic memory, that’s called brainwashing. We don’t do that here! What we can do is clear out the raw energy of the memory so that it stops taking up precious space within your body. This is the feeling of internal spinning or a sense of constant agitation I was referring to earlier, that most of my clients complain of.  During Trame Treatments, the raw energy of the trauma begins to be cleared and the trauma sufferer begins to feel relief. They aren’t constantly perceiving this intense emotional energy inside of them spinning constantly. It starts to create clarity, emotional calm and changing perspectives.

Here is the tricky thing about traumatic memories: they replay over and over. Your body doesn’t ‘know’ that the trauma is over.  It perceives it in the present moment because there is an ongoing energy that is being picked up. AKA the internal spinning/agitation. When the raw energy of the trauma is stuck inside the body, the trauma movie replays again and again leaving the person in such a state of turmoil and suffering.

So how does Trame Vibrational therapy help clear out the raw energy of the trauma? It’s not magic. It’s quantum physics and alchemy together and it works on all living things, not just us. Basically, it works through intention and through connecting with the client’s specific vibration at each of the sixteen hand positions. I tune in and then I clear out vibrations or frequencies that have been accumulated over time. The other hand positions, I am aligning your Trame or grid. This allows for proper communication within your body but also empowers the person to make choices that are in alignment with their true selves. Without getting too technical, it brings the body back to homeostasis or balance and most people wake from their session saying ‘wow’ because they were transported to another place they haven’t been.

Here is more information about Trame Vibrational Therapy.

 Trame is not a magic bullet; nothing is. However, it is a treatment that allows the trauma sufferer to clear out the energy of the trauma without reliving it and it gives the person an opening to make changes in their lives. Ultimately, what the person does with that opening is up to them. Everyone has free will. The choice to do what they want with their lives and how they choose to integrate their sessions is no different.

So, what happened with Connor? He had three Trame sessions and all his traumatic flashbacks were gone, as in, never came back again. Connor went about his life no longer worried of what flashback was around the corner. He was ready to clear very the energy of the trauma and that’s exactly what happened.

I’ll tell you what happened with Connor. He decided to try three sessions of Trame Vibrational Therapy. Yes, it was completely outside his comfort zone as his inclinations were more towards sports and sweeping these emotions under the rug. I guess he got curious.

*The names in this blog post have been changed in order to protect the identity of the individuals*

Are You Showing Up as Your Truest Self?

How Trame Vibrational Therapy Can Help You Heal Your Mind and Body

Vulnerability has been researched extensively by one of my favourite experts on all taboo topics – Brene Brown. Leading by example during her TED talk that became the Top 10 most viewed in the world, she put herself out there confessing that she didn’t agree with her research findings. She has studied vulnerability for the past twelve years and has empirically proven that vulnerability at its core requires courage and simply can’t exist otherwise.

I don’t know about you but for me vulnerability didn’t come easy and still takes a few deep breaths to conjure the strength to put myself “out there” in moments when I’d rather put a wall up or pretend otherwise.

We are all Imperfectly Perfect

The reason I believe this topic is so important is that we live in a culture where we are starved for real connections. We are all-tech-all-the-time and little face to face time. We are going a million miles a minute and crave human contact, but we can’t really connect if we’re faking it or holding back our true selves. It is important to get comfortable in our own imperfect skin so that we can show up more as who we are, in order to reap the social rewards.

We all have people in our lives that being completely ourselves comes naturally and then we have the relationships where we feel we have to put our best foot forward and strive toward perfection.

So how do we show up as our true selves when we are in front of people who expect us to be flawless? How do we shed all the layers of false beliefs that tell us we are not good enough and really show up as who we really are?

It’s entirely possible.

One Step at a Time

With a focus on personal development and the right tools, you’d be surprised at how quickly your internal world changes for the better.

I’ve seen clients in my practice that come in with laundry lists of issues like physical pain, depression/anxiety, difficulty communicating or relating to their kids or spouses, stress, difficulty getting motivated in their businesses, and so on.

Sounds like a lot to “fix” right?

It’s a lot simpler than drudging through all the issues and dissecting them at length. In my practice, it’s about recalibrating the individual so that their own innate intelligence takes care of the healing.

So how do we get this done? Trame Vibrational Technique.

Trame Vibrational Therapy

Trame is vibrational medicine. Just like a musical instrument that requires periodic tuning, so do you! We are very complex instruments that can play off key at times and this only means we need a tune up.

Signs you may need a vibrational tune up:

  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Re-living the past
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Issues with Sleep
  • Inability to settle
  • Pain in the body

And the list goes on!

As Albert Einstein once said, “the future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Trame Vibrational therapy is just that – a big step toward balance, harmony and re-setting the nervous system so that the body can heal itself.

Feeling empowered enough to be vulnerable no matter where you are or who you’re with is something that I’ve witnessed in my practice even when clients weren’t looking for it. They show up confidently with their children as well as at work, they become more resilient to very stressful situations, and they learn about themselves. But most importantly they are happier and feel more like themselves. Personal growth is why I do what I do. I know the pain of not showing up as myself fully and I want to share that gift with others.

Let’s Connect

If you’re looking to shed some layers that are holding you back from fully expressing who you are in the world, book your complimentary 30-minute consultation and learn how this is easier than you think.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,


Healing Trauma in Children with Trame Vibrational Therapy

Has your Child Experienced Trauma? 

First of allyou’re not a bad parent. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control and as parents we simply do the best we can in the circumstancewe find ourselves in. Helping heal trauma in children is a topic that I take very seriously.  

In fact, mown daughter had a brain injury at birth resulting from oxygen deprivation. The cord was wrapped tightly around her ankles and doctors didn’t detect it until I was in labor. So – I hear you! I know what it’s like to want to do everything in your power to help your child heal. 

As parents, we always want the very best for our kids. But what can you do if your child is too young to talk through their fears or challenges? Luckily, I have a highly effective, yet gentle treatment to offer you – it is called Trame Vibrational Therapy. 

How Can Trame Vibrational Therapy Help your Child? 

This is a gentle hands-on treatment that takes between 15-35 minutes depending on the age of your child. This treatment resets the nervous system and clears out cellular blockages. Blockages are caused by unresolved emotions, physical injury and negative beliefs. This treatment will also re-align the body’s blueprint. This blueprint controls all of the information and energy that travels through the body and organizes the body from start to finish. 

After a traumatic experience these blockages can get stuck in the body – thus creating chaos. Children and even adults can find it extremely challenging to describe what they are feeling inside. Once the treatment is over, balance is restored and cellular memories and blockages left behind from trauma will be cleared out. Then, the body will undergo an integration period that lasts up to forty days. During this time, the body will adjust to its new conditionin order to reach its natural harmony and state of empowerment once again.  

What is Involved in this Treatment? 

For children, this treatment may involve talking, moving around, and an ebb and flow (depending on the child). This is so that we are able to get all the hand positions completed. 

I’ve treated children that have experienced serious trauma such as – the loss of a parent, kids who have been bullied or made to feel unaccepted by their peers, and even those that wanted to avoid taking medication for their symptoms. I also have extensive experience working with children with severe autism.  

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn. 

To our health & wellbeing, 


Hope for Empaths: Trame Vibrational Therapy

Empaths and Trame Vibrational Therapy Aurora - Apana Bodywork

As an empath I used to feel like I was at the mercy of the emotions of the people around me. If they were happy, so was I. If they were sad, I would be upset too.  Some of us are more sensitive to the stimulation around us and that can make it hard to live from our own experience.

I certainly felt that way when I would be in a public place. I’d have to keep my exposure to large crowds to a minimum or leave social situations because it all became overwhelming to me.  It was a very disempowering way to live, yet I felt like I could never change that part of me.

I Tried Everything

I tried everything to protect myself from my inherent sponginess.  I tried setting a force field around me, chanting protective mantras, wearing crystals, then just trying to simply ignore the emotions.  Nothing worked; it felt like others’ emotions were being broadcast from a loud speaker even if they weren’t saying a word.

Trame Vibrational Therapy

I stumbled upon a technique, Trame Vibrational Therapy, that changed everything. It was never my plan to change this part of me. I honestly thought I would be this way forever.  After my third session however, it was undeniable that something had shifted.  I had a choice in how I felt for the first time since I can remember.

After signing up to become trained in Trame I learnt that, just like musical instruments, we humans also get out of tune sometimes. We may not totally feel like ourselves, we may experience more stress or become less able to deal with change, or perhaps the heaviest burdens are the emotions lingering from situations long passed.

Whatever the case, we operate using one primary language and that is vibration. I didn’t realize that I was absorbing others emotions and when left unresolved I stored them all in my body. I didn’t really feel like I was carrying any weight from it until it was released.

I Had a Sense of Control for the First Time in Years

It was an unexpected change that started happening immediately after my first Trame Vibrational Therapy session. In addition to all the noise going away in my body and my head for the first time in years, I had this sense of control over my own feelings. I still saw and felt the people around me, especially if I was in conversation with them. But I no longer felt so permeable.

It felt like a force field was finally and permanently protecting me. I didn’t feel every single emotion that others did, I now had the choice to feel it or not. It was empowering and allows me to continue doing my healing work without the downside of lingering emotions that don’t belong to me.

I am so thankful for this new way of being. Now when I read about other empaths or healers that feel like they are living a reactionary existence, this technique gives me hope that together we can change that.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips.

To our health & wellbeing,


What is Trame Vibrational Therapy?

Most Common Detox Effects of Trame Vibrational Therapy

My clients always ask what are the normal detox effects of Trame so here is a list of the most common side effects of Trame. As I always say: Better out than in!

Most frequently observed Secondary Effects of Trame Vibrational Therapy:

► Sense of floating anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days

► Digestive upset, skin eruptions, swelling, purging

► Impression of disequilibrium

► Temporary aggravation of the symptoms or symptoms from a past ailment

► Generally, energy/emotions will exit from the area of the symptom is or via the path of least resistance

► The original symptom for which the client was treated disappears

► Urine and bowel movements may have a characteristic of Sulphur

► Menstrual cycle modified

►Sleep modification and dreaming

Associated Effects of Trame Vibrational Therapy:

►Your apparent radiance can change, human relationships within your environment may change

►Your outlook on life may change, situations which once seemed dramatic may now become completely acceptable and no longer a source of worry

► Rethinking situations, taking a different direction in life

► No longer being submerged by emotions and being emotionally more stable, can more easily manage crisis situations

Accompanying Effects of Trame Vibrational Therapy:

►There are few results I genetic illness or physical handicap

► However, it is possible to stabilize the evolution of an illness and see improvements in the quality of life (less pain and more energy) as well.

► In the case of terminal illness, there will be a relief in the symptoms

►For those who cannot change their life style or living conditions: trame treatments will ease the tension, release excess or pent up emotions helping them to better face daily life.

Book your FREE 30 Minute Consultaion now by calling 647.801.2424

~ Madeleine

A Drug-Free Alternative to Treating Anxiety and Depression

Mention this article and receive 20% off your first session

If my daughter came to me and told me she was sad or anxious and had been for a long time my reflexive reaction would be to bring her to the doctor. I think whenever there is something wrong with us that’s our first instinct.

What if the anxiety/depression got worse and now you really feel that pressure to find a solution for your child? Maybe it’s you that is experiencing the discomfort of your own emotions.  Often we sweep it under the rug thinking that a solution will be very difficult or it won’t work. That’s the ironic part about depression we feel hopeless so we’re less likely to take action. The excuse with anxiety is often “I already have so much on my plate, how could I possibly take on more?”

Whatever the case I’m here to present you with an alternative.  It’s drug-free, it’s holistic, it’s not harmful to your body and there are no side effects except some detox symptoms and there have been some pretty awesome results specific to anxiety and depression that I will share with you a little later.

Let me share a little about my personal experience with these two conditions.  Until now, I have experienced my share of both depression and a few years ago anxiety. They were both intense at times but neither stopped me from living my life and I wasn’t using any medications to alleviate my symptoms. When I was depressed as a teen I still skated 15 hours a week and wrote my exams at school and was on the honor roll.  I got up every morning and did all the things I had to do. I wanted to ask for help but I didn’t know where to go or who to trust.  Many years later as an adult when the trauma I experienced caused me to carry an extreme fear of the future with me every day. I still got up and went to work and cared for my baby.  Because that’s what you do. I didn’t know why I still felt the anxiety the trauma was over and all was well but I just did. I couldn’t shake it off in the words of Miss Taylor Swift (and my daughter’s favorite song).

My point here is that many of us think that we have to get to a point of no return before we seek help. That is just not the case.

So what do you do when you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own body? You think you’re managing well but in those quiet moments before you go to sleep you really want some relief.  I know I did. I was considering anti-anxiety meds because I was operating under the assumption that it would all go away.  If the herbal solutions I was on didn’t feel good I was sure a drug in my system would feel even worse so I stayed away. But I still wanted to stop feeling like the floor was going to disappear underneath me and as if every little thing was stressing me out. This wasn’t how I used to be! What was happening to me?

But that didn’t stop me from thinking a prescription was the only solution. Me. A holistic healer thinking drugs were the answer! What will stop others to think the same way? We see it in pages of a magazine, in commercials on television that drugs are the answer.  I think part of their appeal is the quick fix mentality. I subscribed to that too but it isn’t true.

Drugs aren’t going to go to the root of your discomfort and heal it from the inside out. Drugs will most likely cover up the symptoms and give you a host of unwanted side effects.

Having said that I feel I need to clarify that I am not anti-drug. If drugs work for you and your body I say go for it but it’s for those people that drugs feel even worse than the depression or anxiety itself. It’s for those people that wish they didn’t’ have to experience the side effects on top of feeling worse just in a different way, they just want relief!

If you’re one of those people wishing there was an alternative to a chemical approach consider the following: According to a University of California Study If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety or depression within the last 5 years you will have significant improvement in your condition within 3-5 Trame Vibrational Therapy Sessions.

When you choose Trame Vibrational Therapy there are many benefits.

The treatment continues to work on you for up to 40 days

One treatment every 3 weeks (to allow for integration)

No side-effects only detox symptoms

There is no homework.

There is no feedback.

Just long term improvement in your condition.

I’ve experienced the effects of Trame and once you get reconnected your internal guidance system kicks in and shows you the way. That internal guidance system are your emotions and the massages they are sending you are very accurate.  It’s like all of a sudden you progressively get more and more in tune with yourself. You start to accept things you formerly fought against. You make the necessary changes and adjustments in your life that ultimately make you a happier person.

You become empowered to speak up or take action. You reignite your passion for something or someone. You find your creativity again. You get out of your own way.

It’s the person you are already, Trame just reminds you that you are infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom and unconditional love.

All these things happen to my clients on a regular basis. It’s not a cure all. Not all conditions disappear but with anxiety and depression the results have been very consistent.

So, next time you’re feeling off, have trouble sleeping, feel more wound up than you’d like call to schedule a Trame Vibrational Therapy session. In the majority of cases it will give you the relief you’re looking for at minimal cost to your body and wallet.

With gratitude for all you are,

Madeleine Dasilva

Good Grief

Every sad, tragic thing that’s ever happened to you has had the opportunity to shape you more into who you are… or conversely has led you to forget who you are more and more until you don’t recognize yourself anymore.

As beautiful as life is, it can be utterly impossible at times. You’re humming along and bam!  Life throws you something you never expected and it changes the way you look at things completely. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not.

You try to hang on to your beliefs but with all the shock and awe it’s getting harder and harder to do this.

For me, it was the doctors. The big time, big hospital doctors that told me over and over again to give up on my daughter because there was no hope. I knew better so I fought them. I disagreed. The more I fought, the harder they argued and in the end, I succumbed. I literally fell to the floor. My legs just gave out. It was a huge loss. It was a loss of my trust in the universe. My hope that all things work themselves out for the best and that I was always protected and cared for.

If that was the case, how could this be happening? What am I supposed to learn from this?

The more tragic the situation, more important the lesson.

What if the situation is long over, you’ve tried to learn from it yet you’re still carrying the emotional weight of it around with you?

When I was going through the trauma of Zoe possibly passing any day I thought I was okay. I had found some relief with my daily Qi Gong practice.  After my first Trame Vibration session I got in my car and I felt so calm. Like everything inside my head and body was quiet for the first time in a long time. I started driving away and the stillness remained. I put on the radio and thought, “this is my jam!” I cranked it up and proceeded to rock out. Alone. No, this isn’t embarassing, this is monumental! I hadn’t realized I wasn’t enjoying music anymore until that moment!

This was the first change I noticed followed by many others. It made me think of all the people out there that were suffering in their state of anticipatory grief. Had Zoe passed I would have gone to therapy or talked to someone but because she survived everyone assumed I was okay.

How many of us are caring for a sick or dying parent, caring for a child with an unknown disability or grieving a loss that hasn’t come?

I am still baffled that I needed help and I didn’t know it. My Trame treatment helped me start to see things differently. As Dr.Wayne Dyer wrote: “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change” but how do you do that when your emotions are overwhelming?

There are many ways up the mountain and what works for me or you may not be suitable for someone else but it’s worth opening our eyes to see that we can feel good again. Despite all that’s happened you can find your joy, find the little things that make you smile and eventually with enough momentum going in the direction of appreciation  that inner smile turns into an outer one on your face.

All of a sudden more choices are all spread out in front of you and you are in awe of the progress you’ve made. Synchronicities show up.  Some days will suck. Some days will not but you keep getting up every morning and asking yourself what makes me happy? What will tickle you in this moment? Follow that innate wisdom inside of you and let what feels good be your guide.

Let’s make each moment sweet again for you and see how your world fills up with joy.

Lots of love,


You Are Your Business

Are you running your own holistic, coaching or healing business?

I’m sure this isn’t news to you but YOU are your business.

Entrepreneurs know what I mean by this.  Our state is the number one predictor of success. If we feel confidant and ready to go that shows up for us as a full schedule of clients. When we doubt, are insecure or don’t feel worthy we repel potential clients.

But what about if you have it all figured out and something comes along as a surprise and throws you off your game? After all no one can predict the loss of a loved one, the onset of a health issue or the ending of a relationship.

This article is about my observation that when you’re going through a tough time in your personal life it is directly reflected in your business in terms of how smoothly it goes as well as how successful you are.

All businesses ebb and flow but when a big trauma hits, it can flatten your efforts at building your dream biz.

Maybe you don’t have as many bookings and you don’t feel particularly motivated or able to give.  Perhaps you are not fully present for your one-on-one sessions or maybe this stress is interrupting your sleep or ability to focus. However it is affecting you, it seems extra stressful to think that because you’re going through something serious that your business will be affected.

Funny thing, when we’re depleted ourselves, it’s like the bat signal gets projected out and the universe responds by giving you the space and time to heal.

Over the short term that’s okay but over the long term that can create panic.

So what do you do when you’d like to transform your state permanently, become empowered and kick some business ass? In the short term choose what you’re going to FOCUS on. In the moment make that choice. It’s incredibly powerful. If you need something deeper as in at a cellular level, I’m the gal for you.

Yes action is important in business. Absolutely. But if you’re in a non-deserving state, an unworthy state, stressed out or burnt out, you won’t attract the kind of success you’re craving.

Clear out the stress at a cellular level like you’ve never experienced before. Re align your body and become empowered in a big way to make you feel like the rock star that you are. As you change, your business will follow suit, I’ve seen it in mine again and again.

After a few Trame sessions you may reach out to a coach to get the training you need or you may take that course you’ve been stewing over for years or it may be that doing the superman pose for two minutes in the bathroom allows you to walk into the room with the confidence you’ve been longing for.

It’s never knowable how Trame will affect you but it does create pretty massive change, myself included. I’ve seen women walk in with zero self worth and walk out 3 sessions later on cloud 9 in love with themselves.

I was struggling with my business big time. I was in a perpetually low state. I felt unworthy and like I didn’t know what I was doing. I struggled with self-confidence and felt uncomfortable receiving money for my services. All this came on after a big trauma that I “thought” I had dealt with.

My couple Trame sessions got me ready to reach out to a coach and build up my mindset so that I could receive and feel good about it. I worked on my worthiness issues by becoming aware of my thoughts and re-working them into a thought I made me feel unstoppable.

It was an intense process but it got me to catch myself in my negative thought patterns.

The brain is just a tool. An amazing computer that can be re-programmed with a little work.

Just like the brain, the body has glitches that need to be cleared out in order to function optimally and restore harmony.

Trame does that. It clears the bugs out so you can make changes in your life with ease.

I would have never reached out to my coach had I not gotten my Trame sessions because I was in a hole. I felt so low that I couldn’t even afford coaching. After Trame I saw it as a necessity and that the money would come and it did.

If you’re ready for change in yourself and your business, Trame is for you. If you’re stuck, this will get you unstuck.

Sometimes all we need is to get out of the hole so we can see the light of day and make a new choice.

You just need to show up. Your infinitely wise body will do the rest.

~ Madeleine

Are You a Sponge for Emotions?

My dad has always said that I need a peaceful environment. I guess he noticed how frazzled I got when things got too chaotic around me growing up. It could be subtle or obvious but I would felt all the tension or negativity more than the average bear and it would affect me especially since everyone was feeling different things.

 When you’re a sponge for all the emotions around you, it can get overwhelming and affect your mood, productivity or even your sanity at times.

Being spongy is a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing when you can use it to help someone or when you’re in a pleasant environment but it’s a curse when you’re surrounded by people that are stressed or upset and you absorb it all like a sponge.

Another word for spongy is being an “empath”.

Empaths pick up on emotions around them.  It becomes an issue is when:

  1. We have trouble not absorbing it, we have no choice.
  2. We have trouble letting it go

Empaths can’t squeeze out the sponge so easily. We carry it around with us. It’s not good for our health or our state of mind and it continues to build up inside.

So what do you do if you’re a spongy empath? Well lucky for you there are many ways to squeeze out that sponge and release all those absorbed feelings.

The most effective ones I’ve experienced are one and two on the list below. Hands down the fastest way to dump all that accumulated stuff that you don’t want to carry around anymore while empowering different aspects of the self.

Effective Ways to Squeeze Out the Sponge:

  1. Trame Vibrational Healing
  2. Qi Gong (the clearing one by Master Yap)
  3. Healing
  4. Therapy
  5. Meditation
  6. Walking in nature
  7. Yoga

Being spongy steals you away from your own present moment and transports you to another’s reality. There isn’t anything wrong with that in moderation but I find the more you feel other’s stuff, the more drawn into their drama you become. It has the tendency to replace your own mental space and temporarily takes your focus away from your own life.

One of my clients’ told me that she was so aware of their boss lurking around the corner that she was on edge the whole day and couldn’t get into her groove at work.  She was so worried that at any second the big boss will pop his head in and criticize her.

She being a sponge felt everyone around her and it was affecting her ability to focus on her work.  After two Trame Vibrational Therapy sessions she said: “You know what? It doesn’t matter what is going on around me, I just don’t take it on”. She continued to explain how even in the presence of auditors, she didn’t break a sweat. It was like water off a ducks back!

One big advantage of Trame Vibrational Therapy is that it squeezes out that sponge so that you don’t continue to accumulate everyone’s stuff. Secondly, it makes you less sensitive to the drama around you leaving you better able to deal with everyday stress or even bigger life stresses. You can tune in if you choose but it becomes a choice not a given.

Don’t get me wrong being empathetic is a gift but there is a balance to be found between being empathetic and being present to your own thoughts and feelings and living YOUR life.

When this is off balance we can feel we are at the mercy of what is going on around us.  We feel defenseless to swim in the soup of emotions that surround us.  If you have the choice to leave that is great but oftentimes we’re at work and can’t change our environment.

If you can’t change your environment, change your perception of your environment.

Trame is like a “big data dump” as one of my clients described. She felt empty and quiet inside afterwards.

If you’re a spongy person, make sure you get regular if not, daily data dumps by doing any of the strategies I’ve mentioned in this article or one of your own that gives you peace and quiet inside. This “data” accumulates inside of us and needs to be cleared out regularly otherwise it will start affecting our health, mental clarity, sleep, relationships and ability to experience joy.

In this life, it is all about you and your growth. It’s okay to focus inward and pay attention to you. There is nothing wrong with that.

To your growth & awareness!

With gratitude,

Madeleine Dasilva