Trauma and Memory

Trauma and memory often go hand in hand. Many trauma sufferers have gone to psychotherapy and it has helped them greatly. I don’t typically see those people. The trauma sufferers I see are those who have tried psychotherapy at length and found little to no relief.  The symptoms of trauma that I typically observe in my practice are: internal spinning or a sense of constant agitation, feeling ungrounded, heightened emotional triggers, mood swings, anger, anxiety, trouble sleeping, brain fog, low energy and relationship strain. There are many other symptoms but these tend to be the most common ones.

Basically, the person doesn’t feel like themselves since the trauma and they’ve tried to get themselves “back on track” but all the usual coping mechanisms of yoga, meditation, and therapy just aren’t working for them anymore. It’s very frustrating for them, and to be honest, they’re usually close to giving up and I’m their last-ditch effort.

I totally get it, I was once them. I didn’t think Trame Vibrational Therapy was any different than the dozens of other alternative therapies I had tried. My response was like: “yeah yeah…okay I’ll try it”. That was how I used to feel but let’s focus on the results of my past clients.

My past client’s name is Connor. He was a middle-aged exceedingly successful entrepreneur who would get these intense flashbacks of the sexual abuse he endured as a child. He would be walking his dog and bam, he’d be struck by these memories. Connor was able to function well but he was always wary about a flashback around the next corner.

 I explained to Connor that we can never clear out the actual traumatic memory, that’s called brainwashing. We don’t do that here! What we can do is clear out the raw energy of the memory so that it stops taking up precious space within your body. This is the feeling of internal spinning or a sense of constant agitation I was referring to earlier, that most of my clients complain of.  During Trame Treatments, the raw energy of the trauma begins to be cleared and the trauma sufferer begins to feel relief. They aren’t constantly perceiving this intense emotional energy inside of them spinning constantly. It starts to create clarity, emotional calm and changing perspectives.

Here is the tricky thing about traumatic memories: they replay over and over. Your body doesn’t ‘know’ that the trauma is over.  It perceives it in the present moment because there is an ongoing energy that is being picked up. AKA the internal spinning/agitation. When the raw energy of the trauma is stuck inside the body, the trauma movie replays again and again leaving the person in such a state of turmoil and suffering.

So how does Trame Vibrational therapy help clear out the raw energy of the trauma? It’s not magic. It’s quantum physics and alchemy together and it works on all living things, not just us. Basically, it works through intention and through connecting with the client’s specific vibration at each of the sixteen hand positions. I tune in and then I clear out vibrations or frequencies that have been accumulated over time. The other hand positions, I am aligning your Trame or grid. This allows for proper communication within your body but also empowers the person to make choices that are in alignment with their true selves. Without getting too technical, it brings the body back to homeostasis or balance and most people wake from their session saying ‘wow’ because they were transported to another place they haven’t been.

Here is more information about Trame Vibrational Therapy.

 Trame is not a magic bullet; nothing is. However, it is a treatment that allows the trauma sufferer to clear out the energy of the trauma without reliving it and it gives the person an opening to make changes in their lives. Ultimately, what the person does with that opening is up to them. Everyone has free will. The choice to do what they want with their lives and how they choose to integrate their sessions is no different.

So, what happened with Connor? He had three Trame sessions and all his traumatic flashbacks were gone, as in, never came back again. Connor went about his life no longer worried of what flashback was around the corner. He was ready to clear very the energy of the trauma and that’s exactly what happened.

I’ll tell you what happened with Connor. He decided to try three sessions of Trame Vibrational Therapy. Yes, it was completely outside his comfort zone as his inclinations were more towards sports and sweeping these emotions under the rug. I guess he got curious.

*The names in this blog post have been changed in order to protect the identity of the individuals*

Calming the Storm in Your Brain: Migraines

If you suspect you suffer from migraine headaches and you’re looking for an alternative drug-free solution to best manage your symptoms, this article is for you. Migraines occur in 10-15% of kids and adults and only half of people know they are having one. In this blog, you’ll learn about what causes migraine headaches, the criteria that doctors use for diagnosing migraines and easy tips to help you relax even though you’re suffering. My hope is you’ll get more clarity on migraines as well as on next steps to help you better manage migraine headaches with a safe and holistic approach.

What is a migraine headache?  

Doctors tell us it is an electrical storm in the brain. The brain cells or neurons are firing too much or too little creating temporary changes in the brain. This electrical imbalance in the brain causes head pain.

Doctors reassure us that head pain isn’t damaging the brain tissue and that 95% of headaches are safe.

Check out this educational video about migraines.

If you are a migraine sufferer, you’re not alone. Migraines account for more difficulty doing regular activity than any other neurological problem.

Unsure if Your Headaches are Migraines?

According to the International classification or headache disorders, the current agreed upon criteria for migraine diagnosis:

  1. At least 5 attacks, 1 fulfilling criteria B-D
  2. Migraine lasting 4-72 hours untreated or unsuccessfully treated
  3. Headache has at least 2 or the following characteristics:
  4. Unilateral location
  5. Pulsating quality
  6. Moderate or severe pain intensity
  7. Aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity
  8. During headache at least one of the following:
  9. Nausea and/or vomiting
  10. Photophobia and phonophobia

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, photophobia is the intolerance to light especially painful sensitiveness to strong light. Phonophobia is an intolerance of or hypersensitivity to sound.

If you’re reading this and you suspect you suffer from migraines, I suggest you make an appointment with your family doctor as he/she will perform a physical exam to confirm this diagnosis.

So, it is a Migraine…Now What?

Since here is no cure for migraines, once you have been diagnosed, there are many suggestions as to how best manage your symptoms.

Headache doctors and neurologist recommend:

  • Drinking water
  • Getting regular sleep
  • Relaxation techniques

At Apana Bodywork we specialize in not only relaxation but resetting the nervous system, often mitigating symptoms of migraines before they start.

Trame Vibrational Therapy has a great track record for helping migraine sufferers. During my initial training I had 9 volunteers receive one Trame session every 3 weeks for a total of 4 sessions each. In exchange they made observations about the effects they felt from the sessions mentally, physically, emotionally and energetically.

There were 4 of 9 case study participants that suffered regular (at least once a month) migraines and the intensity reported was debilitating enough to affect their daily activities. Of the migraine sufferers, none of them experienced a migraine during the 4 months study, that’s 100% effectiveness for this small sample group.

Screaming in Pain

It’s really tempting to get angry at the pain. We’re missing out on work, family and play. We might be hiding out in a dark room waiting for the pain to pass. When we’re suffering for hours or even days it can be very frustrating to wonder when you will feel better. If you’re tempted to scream out in pain let me reinforce what the doctors say; it only makes the situation worse.  Your brain is trying to find balance and adding more volatility in the form of anger only gives the body more work to do to calm the storm in your brain.

Solution: Laugh at the pain.

This may seem like a ridiculous suggestion but when you laugh at the pain or think of the pain less seriously, you diffuse it and take away it’s power over you. Is it difficult to do? Yes. Will it help immediately? No. But, over time you will get better at detaching yourself from the pain making it less debilitating.

Relaxation Tips for Migraines:

  1. Feel another part of your body that doesn’t hurt

When we pay attention to another part of our body that does not hurt, our reality shifts away from the pain and we experience less stress mentally and emotionally helping ease the pain we’re experiencing.

  1. Wiggle your toes until you fall asleep

When you’re lying in bed and the pain is stopping you from falling asleep, try slowly and gently wiggling your toes. Start with your left foot and feel your toes wiggle gently and then wiggle the toes of your right foot. Keep alternating from side to side making it your job to only you’re your toes and commit to keep doing it while staying easy about the exercise. You will eventually drift off to sleep just keep at it no matter how long it takes. Surrender to this movement and you will distract yourself from the pain and sleep more soundly.

  1. Using another sensation

Using another sensation such as light physical touch or temperature interrupts the pain signal. Simply stroking your forehead, light massage or placing an ice pack on your head.

Migraines can be a real pain and necessitate days off work, missed family time and opportunities.   Finding ways to prevent them, in my opinion, is a smart way to go. In the absence of that, finding the strategies that best help you to manage the pain and minimize the length and intensity of your migraines is the second priority because you have places to be and things to do!

If you’d like to come in and talk more about what you’re going through as well as solutions we offer, don’t hesitate to reach out and contact Apana Bodywork at 647-801-2424 or find us on Instagram @apana.bodywork.

Check out our Youtube video talking more about migraines or watch below:


Are You Showing Up as Your Truest Self?

How Trame Vibrational Therapy Can Help You Heal Your Mind and Body

Vulnerability has been researched extensively by one of my favourite experts on all taboo topics – Brene Brown. Leading by example during her TED talk that became the Top 10 most viewed in the world, she put herself out there confessing that she didn’t agree with her research findings. She has studied vulnerability for the past twelve years and has empirically proven that vulnerability at its core requires courage and simply can’t exist otherwise.

I don’t know about you but for me vulnerability didn’t come easy and still takes a few deep breaths to conjure the strength to put myself “out there” in moments when I’d rather put a wall up or pretend otherwise.

We are all Imperfectly Perfect

The reason I believe this topic is so important is that we live in a culture where we are starved for real connections. We are all-tech-all-the-time and little face to face time. We are going a million miles a minute and crave human contact, but we can’t really connect if we’re faking it or holding back our true selves. It is important to get comfortable in our own imperfect skin so that we can show up more as who we are, in order to reap the social rewards.

We all have people in our lives that being completely ourselves comes naturally and then we have the relationships where we feel we have to put our best foot forward and strive toward perfection.

So how do we show up as our true selves when we are in front of people who expect us to be flawless? How do we shed all the layers of false beliefs that tell us we are not good enough and really show up as who we really are?

It’s entirely possible.

One Step at a Time

With a focus on personal development and the right tools, you’d be surprised at how quickly your internal world changes for the better.

I’ve seen clients in my practice that come in with laundry lists of issues like physical pain, depression/anxiety, difficulty communicating or relating to their kids or spouses, stress, difficulty getting motivated in their businesses, and so on.

Sounds like a lot to “fix” right?

It’s a lot simpler than drudging through all the issues and dissecting them at length. In my practice, it’s about recalibrating the individual so that their own innate intelligence takes care of the healing.

So how do we get this done? Trame Vibrational Technique.

Trame Vibrational Therapy

Trame is vibrational medicine. Just like a musical instrument that requires periodic tuning, so do you! We are very complex instruments that can play off key at times and this only means we need a tune up.

Signs you may need a vibrational tune up:

  • Lack of mental clarity
  • Re-living the past
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Lack of energy
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Issues with Sleep
  • Inability to settle
  • Pain in the body

And the list goes on!

As Albert Einstein once said, “the future of medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” Trame Vibrational therapy is just that – a big step toward balance, harmony and re-setting the nervous system so that the body can heal itself.

Feeling empowered enough to be vulnerable no matter where you are or who you’re with is something that I’ve witnessed in my practice even when clients weren’t looking for it. They show up confidently with their children as well as at work, they become more resilient to very stressful situations, and they learn about themselves. But most importantly they are happier and feel more like themselves. Personal growth is why I do what I do. I know the pain of not showing up as myself fully and I want to share that gift with others.

Let’s Connect

If you’re looking to shed some layers that are holding you back from fully expressing who you are in the world, book your complimentary 30-minute consultation and learn how this is easier than you think.

I invite you to share your experience or ask questions in the comments. You can find us on Facebook, Instagram and join our newsletter for health inspirations and tips. My YouTube Channel is also an amazing place to connect and learn.

To our health & wellbeing,


How Stress Can Leave You Shouting Out In Pain

How Stress Can Leave You Shouting Out In PainStress is a highly individualistic, multi-faceted response to a set of circumstances that place a demand on physical or mental energy.

If you’re stressed out it can lead to an increase in pain in your body.  Here’s a real world example.  I have a retired client who came to see me to help with her chronic hip pain.  Within months she was functioning pain-free. She went back to her regular long nature walks and wasn’t troubled by pain while falling asleep.  All is going along swimmingly and she is just doing maintenance treatments to keep her functioning at her peak. Now she can do renovations around the house she can twist, bend and turn her body without any protests.

She takes a job just for “fun” and it ends up pouring on the stress. Not just that but family stressors add to the mix and she now has pain in her hip again at a level of 7 out of 10 as she describes it.

So what happened?

Stress my friends is what happened.

I see this all the time and I wish I could wave my magic wand and take it away. So that’s just what I did. I’ve been playing with a new healing technique that I’ve been playing with for years.  It helped unfreeze a 40-year-old frozen shoulder so I thought why not?

I did an assessment on my lovely retiree and found all the usual limitations in her joints. After 25 minutes of clearing blockages out of her energy field I checked back and found all the motion in her body was balanced again. I was amazed. I still did all the usual muscle testing to make sure every muscle was strong and it wasn’t just more motion without stability and there were three muscles that were weak where normally there are about fifteen. Long story short I checked back with her about a week later and she said her pain was now 3 out of 10 instead of the previous 7.

As a logical cynic it’s really hard for me to trust this healing process but here it is showing up for me again and again. The proof is staring me straight in the face so after twelve years in this field I’m finally trusting that the right combination of energetic and physical treatment can work wonders for pain even the most stubborn, surgery begging pain that you can’t seem to get rid of.

I still find it really interesting that we could clear and affect her joint settings and pain so drastically by not even touching her body. By clearing out “hot spots” in her body and bringing in “light” we could really change pain as well as the amount of motion and strength she had. Now the real test will be how she does during her two month walking trip abroad.

Stress that we don’t deal with, ignore or push down ends up getting stored somewhere in our bodies and sometimes that stress manifests as pain you would swear is completely physical but there is more to it than that. That I am sure of now.

If you suspect you have pain in your body as a result of chronic job stress, life stress, marital problems, loss of a loved one Apana Bodywork is in the business of digging deeper, finding the root cause and pulling it out of your body.

An easy solution for stress is focusing on finding relief and making ourselves a bit happier in the moment. So what happened with my retiree?  In the end she quit her not-so-fun job and returned to doing things that she enjoys and I’m sure her pain will continue on its downward trend back to zero.

If you would like to book a complimentary consultation with Madeleine Call 647.801.2424 or connect on .

~ Madeleine

5 Reasons Why Chronic Pain is So Deeply Rooted

1. Past Injuries

Clients always seem so surprised when I tell them that each and every injury from a sprained ankle to major surgery affects their current state of health. The body has a framework and when there is a force applied to it, it can alter that framework changing its structure at a cellular level.

2. Overuse

We do the same activities, exercises or sports over and over again. We can incur some overuse.  Just like a car needs its tires rotated, so do our bodies in the form of varying what type of exercise as well as the intensity and duration we impose. Every exercise has its place but most of us jump into an activity ill prepared. When it comes to chronic pain we get into certain movement patterns and make the strong movements stronger and the weak ones weaker.

3. Plasticity

Our brains record pain activity. The more pain we have, the bigger our “brain maps” for pain get, often overriding the other activities that part of the brain is meant for. Chronic pain starts as a signal that something is wrong and becomes reinforced with each subsequent experience of pain.

4. Cellular Memories

When bad things happen, if left unresolved, that memory is stored in your cells. This memory creates a vibration that’s out of sync with “healthy cells” causing a glitch in how information and energy flow throughout the body. This can create pain over the long term.

5. Mechanics

Our bodies are adaptable and when there is a roadblock caused by an injury the body works around it. Much like a street closure makes you take the detour, your body will get the job done, just maybe not in the most favorable way to save your joints. This compensation pattern often goes uncorrected and can lead to chronic pain down the road.

I will leave you with a testimonial:

“After suffering with knee pain for fifteen years and trying to treat it every way I could find from physical to spiritual and not finding any long lasting relief I can say that after two Trame Vibational Therapy sessions my pain was gone and the strength that was non existent starting coming back into my whole left side”


A free 30 minute consultation is available for questions. Call Apana Bodywork at 647-801-2424 or email us at

~ Madeleine

Do you have chronic pain that is stopping you from living your life on your own terms?

chronic pain treatment aurora york region Apana BodyworkMuscle Activation Techniques Helps with Chronic Pain

Maybe you just have a low grade headache most days of the week or you have tightness in your lower back every day. The muscular problem creating these aches and pains can be solved.  The reason Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) was created was because there was a large gap between getting by and living optimally. Let me give you an example of the difference in approach Apana Bodywork takes compared to physiotherapy.

Say you had a severe injury and you had to learn how to walk again.  The goal of traditional physiotherapy is to get you walking and being able to get dressed and go to work and if you can’t do that, your environment would be altered to make it easier for you, For example installing a hand rail for the bathroom. But that isn’t really living is it?

Get Back to Living

With Apana Bodywork, we want you to get back to really living your life on your own terms and that means clearing away any blockages that would stand in your way of achieving greater strength and motion.  Wouldn’t you want to get back to your active lifestyle and not have to design work around solutions to your immobility/pain problem?

The quality of your life would be severely affected if you were an active person and you could no longer be active. One of my first clients was told by a good sports medicine doctor in Toronto that since she couldn’t go up or down the stairs without pain after six months of physiotherapy that she would just have to “alter her lifestyle” so that she would avoid stairs. Within six sessions of MAT she was going up and down stairs without pain. Just like that her body was given the right information so that it could function like it should.


Contact Apana Bodywork at 647.801.2424 to feel the difference one session can make!